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Savannah Scherff SPC3210 Exam 3 Chapter 1 consequences 1 How does Wood define communication and with what a There are many different definitions of communication it is different to everyone but Wood s definition is as follows i Communication a systemic process in which individuals interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings ii Process it is ongoing and always in motion it is hard to tell when communication starts and stops because what happened long before we talk with someone may influence our interaction and what occurs in a particular encounter may have repercussion in the future what had happened prior to the talk may affect the interactions in the talk and what happens during the talk will affect what happens in the future iii Systemic it involved a group of interrelated parts that affect one another 1 In a family each member is part of a system physical environment and time of day are elements of the system 2 People interact differently at the beach rather than in the living room 3 History of the system also affect communication iv Symbols abstract arbitrary and ambiguous representations of other things 1 Symbols include all of language and many nonverbal behaviors as well as art and music 2 Anything that abstractly signifies something else can be a symbol 3 i e a ring that symbolizes love v Finally meaning heart of communication 1 We create the meaning 2 We actively construct meaning by working with symbols 3 i e We talk to others to clarify our own thoughts we decide how to interpret nonverbal behaviors etc vi We also rely on others to form our own identity that being said we form our identify through the communication of others people telling us you re so strong you re so pretty etc we see ourselves through the eyes of others vii People who lack close relationships have anxiety and depression viii People in disturbed relationships are more likely to develop alcoholism headaches cancer etc 2 What are potential professional personal relational and cultural impacts of communication a Professional impacts communication is not only important in obvious jobs such as teaching business law broadcasting sales etc but also incredibly advanced fields such as computer programming accounting etc because no matter what you do you are more than likely going to have to deal with people in life no matter what field you go into i Managers and Bosses look for people who get along with others and can work well with others and can express themselves effectively ii Success in most jobs require communication skills b Personal We first see ourselves through the eyes of others aka in our earliest years parents have told us you re so cute and you re so strong i Later in life we must then learn to interact with our peers and our teachers who communicate how they see us and we filter their impressions into our own self image 1 Interactions with our friends and romantic partners provide additional insight in how others see us and how we see ourselves ii Children who were deprived of human contact have little sense of themselves as humans and their mental psychological development is hindered iii Ramu the wolf boy raised by animals not by humans in 1954 c Relational Communication affects our relationships Good communication in intimate relationships involves listening skillfully expressing your own ideas clearly and responding with empathy and understanding i The number one reason for divorce is communication ii The boring mundane everyday conversations is what problems holds people together d Cultural Good communication skills are also the essence of social life i We must all learn to interact with people who differ from us and to learn from them in the process 1 AKA we must learn the different verbal and nonverbal communication styles of distinct social communities 3 What are the major areas of study in communication a IntRApersonal communication communication with ourselves or self talk i Dialogue we have with ourselves the cognitive side of communication the conversations that continuously goes on within our heads ii Our self esteem can be affected by the way we give ourselves positive comments or negative comments 1 AKA I blew that test I m so stupid instead of One test doesn t measure my intelligence I can do better on the next one b IntERpersonal communication deals with communication between people i A deep conversation with a friend is more interpersonal than a casual exchange with a sales clerk ii Interpersonal communication have mushroomed since 1960s making it one of the most vibrant branches of the field c Group and Team Communication communication in small groups and teams i Leadership member roles group structure task agendas and conflicts ii Working together in small groups such as on a team for a fundraiser you must be able to work with others appropriately in a timely manner to get things done d Public Communication aka public speaking i Even though not all of us may seek careers that deal with a lot of public speaking all of us have opportunities to speak to others ii Scholars of public communication focus on the related subjects of critical evaluation of speeches and principles for speaking effectively iii Major influences come from Martin Luther King Jr and his I have a Dream speech e Speech Communication study how individuals and groups perform identities in everyday life and how they use rituals and other communicative practices to reflect sustain and sometimes alter social relations i Performance can move us to tears laughter and new knowledge f Media and New Technologies of Communication i Media shapes our understandings of ourselves and our society this can be dangerous ii People study how the ways in which mass communication functions and affects us iii Some scholars caution that new technologies might undermine the kind of human community formed through face to face talk whereas others celebrate the increased social contact productivity and modes of thinking and interacting that technology allows iv All of us struggle to keep up with the rapidly changing technological world overnight mail services fax machines and electronic mail make it possible for us to communicate almost immediately with people on the other side of the world g Organizational Communication focuses on organizational culture and personal relationships in professional settings i Organization culture understandings about identity and codes of thought and action that are shared by

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