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Study Guide Exam 3 Vocab Dates People Theories NAATS National association of academic teachers of public speaking o Today National Communications association o 1914 o FSU English Department Communication A systematic process in which individuals interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meaning o Process systemic symbols and meaning o Wood Impacts of communication Professional personal relational and cultural Major areas of study in communication Intrapersonal interpersonal public communication group team media and new technology organizational Symbols Represent stand for other things but they are not the things for which they stand Determinism Human behavior that is governed by forces beyond our control Free will Belief that humans have free will and that they make choices Epistemology the branch of philosophy that deals with knowledge about how to act Ontological Ontology Assumptions about human nature o Free Will o How do we know what we know Building Blocks for theory Epistemology o Knowledge Quantitative methods Descriptive statistics surveys experiments o Making sense of numbers Qualitative Methods textual analysis ethnography critical scholarship o Making sense of their own communication experience Difference between the two o Qualitative how people perceive and make sense of their communication experience Interpreting meanings and other unobservable dimensions o Quantitative Interpreting he data to make sense of arguments about what the numbers reveal Making arguments about what the numbers mean about communication behaviors and relationships Symbolic Interactionism theory devised by mead that states that symbols are the foundation for personal and social life Narrative Paradigm We sense our experiences in life by transforming them o Mind self society into stories and narrative forms o Walter Fisher We are all natural storytellers o Narration Symbolic actions that have sequence and meaning for those who live create or interpret them Narrative Rationality How we assess the quality of a story Coherence and fidelity o Coherence How much sense does the story make Believable o Fidelity the extent to which the story relates with our own experiences and values experiences We find stories believable when they relate to our own Pentad a tool that provides a structure for analyzing human actions o Reveals effectiveness of the work the motive of the speaker and the philosophy of operation o Burke s pentad Principles of determinism Help explain why things happen the way they do o Symbolic Inducement o Criticism Act actor agency scene and purpose Dramaturgy Concerned with performance in every day life o Goffman believes that bodily actions are used performatively to make impressions on individuals and to sustain an image they re trying to protect Dramaturgical model o Frames models we rely on to make sense of experience Defines o Impression Management Process of managing setting words dress situations etc Ethnography a method of interpreting actions that generates understanding in terms of those performing the actions General System s theory States that forms are organized wholes that seek to sustain themselves Dialectical theory asserts that in any relationship there are inherent tensions between contradictory impulses or dialectics o Leslie Baxter tested this theory Dialectics Contradictory or opposing tensions o 3 major dialectical tensions Integration separation Stability change Expression privacy o Responses to dialectics Selection separation naturalizing reframing Uncertainty theory the main goal of interaction is to reduce the amount of uncertainty about the other person s thoughts o Laws approach o More deterministic Social Exchange Theory Asserts that people try to maximize rewards and minimize costs in relationships o Aim People seek to maximize rewards and minimize costs in relationships o 4 major criticisms Little Heuristic value Not testable Not supported by research Inappropriate for humans o Comparison Levels A subjective standard for what we expect in a particular type of relationship Based on personal past and current relationship CL reflects the whole of our experiences in relationships combined with our knowledge Social Penetration Model to develop a personal relationship people penetrate the outside layers middle layers interior layer and finally reach the inner core of the self concept o Irwin Altman and Dallas Taylor Onion peeling example peeling back the layers Perception and second generation developmental theories Relationships are defined and guided by individuals perceptions Relational Development and Dissolution Model Wood o Steps to making sense of a relationship Relational Trajectories personal understandings of various tracks in o Honeycutt relationships Turning points key relational events or feelings that you perceive as marketing changes in the direction or intensity of a relationship Technological Determinism Technology specially media shapes how individuals think feel and act and how societies organize themselves and operate o McLuhan o Some single cause or phenomenon determines other aspects of life The Four Epochs o Tribal Epoch Face to face interactions Defined by oral traditions oral cultures stories passed o Literate Epoch down o Print Epoch Began with the invention of the alphabet Began with the invention of the printing press o Electronic Epoch First form was the telegraph People would communicate over great distances This epoch created a global village o Cultivation Theory Theory about television George Gerner TV cultivates a view of the world that is inaccurate but that we believe Watching TV promotes distorted views on life Mean World Syndrome A belief that the world is a dangerous place full of people who cannot be trusted and are likely to harm us Axiom a statement that is presumed to be true on its face and therefore does not require proof or explanation Ranking theories top 5 1 Symbolic Interactionism theory devised by mead that states that symbols are the foundation for personal and social life Theorist o Kenneth Burke Dramatism o Media Ecology Marshall Mcluhan o Narrative Paradigm Walter Fisher o Social Penetration Theory Irwin Altman Dalmas Taylor o Symbolic Interactionism George Herbert Mead o Uncertainty Reduction Theory Charles Berger o Social Exchange theory John Thibaut Harold Kelley o Theories Communication and the Evolution of Relationships o Dialectical theory Leslie Baxter o Uncertainty theory o Social

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