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SPC3210 EXAM 3 Chapter 18 Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making Intro Convinced that group interaction has a positive effect on the final decision Functional perspective illustrates the wisdom of joint interaction between quality solutions appropriate decisions Hirokawa quality solutions Gouran appropriate decisions Functional perspective describes predicts task group performance Specifies what communication must accomplish for jointly made decisions to be wise Hinges on the absence or presence of 4 types of communication Four Functions of Effective Communication Group decision making process needs to fulfill 4 task requirements for members to reach a high quality solution Requisite functions decision making 1 Problem Analysis identify the problem requirements for positive group action and effective determining the nature extent cause of the problem facing the group 2 Goal setting group agrees on the objective establishing criteria by which to judge the proposed solutions discussion of goals objectives without criteria the decision will be ruled by politics not reason 3 Identification of Alternatives evaluate all viable alternatives generation of options to sufficiently solve the problem having lots of options to choose from more possible solutions 4 Evaluation of Positive Negative Characteristics test he relative merits of each option against the criteria that the group believes to be important weighing the costs benefits of a solution groups tend to focus more on the negative outcomes groups can have a pos bias see favorable characteristics as more important 4 functions follow a logical progression as shown above evaluation of neg consequences of alternate solutions is the most important The Role of Communication in Fulfilling Functions Communication is at its best when it doesn t obstruct or distort the free flow of ideas Most group communication disrupts progress toward accomplishing the 4 functional tasks Counteractive communication can bring people back to rational inquiry Discussion among members of the group have a significant effect on the quality of group decisions Actual Group Productivity Potential Productivity Losses due to distractions Three types of communication in group decision making 1 SPC3210 EXAM 3 1 Promotive moves the group towards the goals 2 Disruptive interaction that diverts frustrates the group member s ability to achieve the 4 task functions 3 Counteractive interaction that members use to get the group back on track functional utterance appears to perform a specific function an uninterrupted statement of a single member that functional perspective 60 of total variance in the group Function Orientated Interaction Coding System FOICS quality of input quantity of input A tool used to record and classify the function utterances during a group s Problem Analysis Goal Setting Identification of Evaluation of Alternatives pos neg characteristics decision Promotive Disruptive Counteractive Its difficult to code problems Advice for Those who KNOW they are Right Reflective thinking thinking that favors rational consideration over intuitive hunches or pressure from those with clout influence power 6 step process raise questions call for alternatives to criticize another s idea for the benefit of the group Ethical Reflection Habermas Discourse Ethics Discourse Ethics Ideal speech situation diverse participants could rationally reach a consensus on universal ethical standards Discuss what was done why in an open forum will be affected by the decision Pursue discourse in a spirit of seeking the common good Committed to finding universal standards Participants are free to listen to reason speak their minds without fear discussants of ethical accountability represent all who of constraint or control 2 SPC3210 EXAM 3 Chapter 19 Symbolic Convergence Theory By Ernest Bormann Dramatizing Messages Creative Interpretations of There and Then Dramatizing messages imaginative language by a group member describing past future outside events Ex Cracking a joke describing a movie talking about weekend plans Sharing group fantasies creates symbolic convergence Ex Girls with their dream cabin Conversations about things outside of what s going on right now can Help the group make sense of a confusing situation or bring clarity to an serve the group well uncertain future Fantasy Chain Reactions Unpredictable Symbolic Explosions Fantasy chain a symbolic explosion of lively agreement within a group in response to a member s dramatizing message Fantasy chains are unpredictable and have a life of their own Fantasy Themes Content Motives Cues Types Fantasy creative imaginative shared interpretation of events that fulfills a group s psychological and rhetorical needs Fantasy theme content of the fantasy that successfully sparks a fantasy SCT s basic unit of analysis seek to identify which themes a group shares chain meanings emotions motives actions are apparent in their fantasy themes symbolic cue respond as they did when they first shared the fantasy fantasy type an agreed upon trigger that sets off group members to greater abstractions fantasies incorporating several concrete fantasy themes exist when shared meaning is taken for granted a cluster of related fantasy themes Symbolic Convergence Group Consciousness and Cohesiveness Symbolic convergence each other come more closely together or even overlap As worlds intersect group members develop a unique group two or more private symbol worlds incline toward consciousness Group members begin to speak as we us ours instead of I me mine The group bonds over common ground mutual understanding Usually results in heightened group cohesiveness Important for the group to memorialize the event when fantasies chained out Members attracted to each other and sticking together Rhetorical Vision A Composite Drama shared by a Rhetorical Community 3 SPC3210 EXAM 3 Rhetorical vision a composite drama that catches up large groups of people into common symbolic reality Use fantasy theme analysis to discover fantasy themes and rhetorical visions that have already been created Interpretative methodology of SCT People create social reality Meaning motive emotions can be seen in their rhetoric Critics look for recurring fantasy themes in text 4 features present in all rhetorical visions characters plot lines scene sanctioning agent rhetorical visions employ either righteous social or pragmatic vision 4 SPC3210 EXAM 3 Chapter 20 Cultural Approach to

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