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WORLD MUSIC MIDTERM STUDY GUIDE Chapters 1 6 Modulation when a song moves from one key to another Ornamentation decoration of the main notes of a melody Call and response back and forth alteration between different instruments or voice parts Duration length of a note tone Frequency pitch the highness or lowness of a musical tone frequency that results from vibrations that create sound waves Timbre quality of a musical tone or tones fundamental pitch harmonics overtone color of the note Amplitude dynamics how soft or loud the music is Properties of tones duration frequency amplitude timbre Ethnocentrism imposing our own culturally grounded perspectives biases and assumptions on practices and ways of living that are different from our own Cultural relativism viewing the beliefs practices and values of others in their cultural context Society groups of persons regarded as forming a single community of related interdependent individuals linked to social organizations Culture product of the worldview shared by its members linked to ideas beliefs Hornbostel Sachs system of musical classification 1914 by Eric Von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs most flexible and culturally inclusive divided into 4 groups with a 5th added later Aerophones air passing through a tube or some other kind of resonator end or side blown voice is technically one Chordophones vibrations of a string strings over a resonating chamber pluck bow rub strike Membranophones tightly stretched membrane across a frame drums and kazoo sticks fingers palm foot mouth Idiophones vibration of the body of the instrument itself self sounder most percussion except drums tambourine Electrophones pure electronics create the sound and amplify enhance it synthesizers and digital samplers Electrophones hybrid modified versions of acoustic instruments with electronic means of amplification and processing Crescendo start soft and gradually get louder Decrescendo start loud gradually get softer Rhythm how sounds and silences are organized in time Chapter 8 Indonesian Gamelan Music Central Javanese Court Gamelan majestic expansive many layers symbols of power that legitimize ruler s power social stratification highly polyphonic structure grounded by the gong colotomic structure Balinese Gamelan Gong Kebyar resonant bronze gongs fast paced metallophones intricate drumming to flare up interlocking texture interdependence requires mutual cooperation society built upon communal interdependence societal cohesion and cooperation melodic and rhythmic interlocking Kecak kilitan telu Balinese dance drama and vocal Gamelan gamelan suara up to 200 voices reenacts Ramayana Ramayana kidnapping of a beautiful princess Sita by an evil king Rawana and her eventual rescue by her beloved Prince Rama and an army of monkeys The musicians of the vocal gamelan double as actors playing the roles of the monkeys in Rama s army Agama tirta Balinese hindu syncretic faith which blends elements of Hinduism and Buddhism with earlier layers of indigenous Balinese spiritual belief and practice Gamelan music central for Balinese hindusm and is performed at virtually all ceremonies Bali Aga original Balinese people following indigenous religions without the Hindu or Buddhist influences Kilitan telu set of 3 interlocking rhythmic patterns that is widely used in Balinese music basis of interlocking in Kecak and cengceng Wayang kulit shadow puppetry that reenacts Ramayana or Mahabharata Ombak wave acoustical beating effect created by the paired tuning in Balinese gamelan male instrument slightly higher and female instrument slightly lower Bajidoran Sundanese popular among lower classes row of sinners rebels not for ritual but for male entertainment men drink smoke and dance with renggongs female performers equivalent to prostitutes deals with the double standard of men women and promiscuity Gamelan Beleganjur once used in battles ensemble of walking warriors traditionally used in cremation ceremonies to scare away malevolent spirits and to guide the spirit of the deceased to his her final destination in the Upper World Gong cycle the recurring sequence of strokes on different gongs that serves as the music s foundation relates to the cosmology hierarchy of music with social structure Chapter 8 Indian Classical Music Bhangra a genre of music and a folk dance of the Punjabi region university and club organizations compete traditional elements Western dance styles audio sampling mixing New Bhangra first developed in India and standardized around 1980s Orientalism style artifacts or traits considered characteristic of the peoples and cultures of Asia the representation of Asia especially the Middle East in a stereotyped way that is regarded as embodying a colonialist attitude Dhrupad oldest form of Hindustani classical music male musicians improvised vocal and composed devotional music education through close relationship with guru and oral tradition Alap opening section of a typical North Indian classical performance usually an improvisation that introduces the raga Raga melody of the song particular raga for specific times of day seasons etc Tala rhythm and meter Konnakal vocal percussion actual syllables represent different notes Khayal most popular ICM vocalist vocal support tabla Islam Hindu devotion or secular topics support mimicks the vocalist alap slow fast composition 20 80 Tabla membranophone percussion instrument used in ICM Mridangam main percussion drum in Carnatic music Carnatic music Brahmin men known for composing and singing in Carnatic history did not play aerophones or membranophones female performers known as devadaisis performing in a temple banned in 1947 Ravi Shankar began studying sitar composed and became the music director for the All India Radio toured in Europe and US Yehudi Menuhin John Coltrane The Beatles Bollywood Hindi cinema located in Mumbai influence of Ramayana and Mahabharata parsi theatre mix of realism and fantasy Hollywood musicals and Western tv Sitar stringed instrument used in ICM became extremely popular in the 1960s and 1970s in the West Chapter 9 Irish Traditional Music Instrumental music important connection with dance at first began being separated as Ireland started to advance fiddle harps bodhran tin whistle etc jig 6 8 reel 4 4 most common according to the book hornpipe 4 4 generally slower and heavily emphasizes 1st and 3rd beat Ornamentation roll cut cran treble affects how the instrument is played Fiddle the violin name depends

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