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Midterm is on the limbic system hypothalamus sleep circadian rhythm Neuro 3313 Notes October 30 2014 Slides 23 69 Two kinds of thirst Hypovolemic and Osmotic Circadian Rhythm superchiasmatic nuclei in the hypothalamus orexin wakes you up tells you to start eating located in lateral hypothalamus project widely stimulation produces arousal and foraging mutations produce narcolepsy people stop eating because they are unconscious functionally distinct groups of orexin neurons upward projections to brainstem arousal areas of LC TMN and PPT LDT does waking and stress Also projects to forebrain and midbrain reward areas with VTA NAc Amy reward related inputs include morphine cocaine food need to know when sun rises sun sets probably every cell of your body keeps track of time to a certain degree refer to superchiasmatic nucleus as the master clock store energy during the day so you can sleep at night Hypothalamus and Control of Feeding If you stop eating you stop procreating Arcuate nucleus in hypothalamus Info comes in from where you just placed food stomach neurotransmitter signal is ghrelin that tells your brain the stomach is distended and time to stop eating leptin comes from adipose tissue in the pancreas tells brain that you have plenty of fat stored and you can stop eating both are routinely ignored because if you carry more body fat you are more likely to survive and pass on genes Ghrelin goes to Agrp Npy neuron group gives positive signal to eat stop eating Leptin goes to Pomc Cart neuron group tells brain to stop Lesion of Pomc neurons lead to uncontrollable eating with overeating you gain weight but eventually the amount of food you take in hits a plateau after shooting up due to the fact that with plasticity your brain will crave think 3 or 4 000 calories a day is normal you can learn to change infographic of correlation on slide 31 Orexin neurons are linked to reward and reinforcement The very first day you re born you convert casein in breast milk to an opiate basically mom makes you addicted from day one reason for this is when its converted to an opiate it makes you want to go back for more if a child pup doesn t latch onto the breast from the beginning they will rarely latch on from then on Feeding centers reach out to adinergic cells in peripheral nervous tissues Tight correlation between body size and metabolism warm and big you burn energy faster humans are endotherms for big hot humans probability of dying is entirely related to how long you ve been burning energy due to eating every day Oxygen Pro Aging Molecule direct tie to hypothalamus and respiration 2 of oxygen taken in while you eat and breathe accumulates and creates free radicals that damage cell DNA oxygen harms us kills damages cells causes inflammation job of hemoglobin in blood is to protect us keep O2 levels low could eat protective food anti oxidants offer an electron into the orbitals of a free radical but doesn t help ward off damage could also impose severe calorie restrictions to live to full human potential age 117 stomach has its own circadian rhythm clock your bacteria bugs get the food and nutrients first then the rest of your body gets whatever is left to digest consequences of sleep deprivation and overeating increase in foods that are high calorie if you are sleep deprived over active amygdala in response to being sleep deprived due to the fact that because youre staying up longer later you are eating later in your biorhythm cancer is related to obesity but degenerative diseases are linked to the oxygen intake from eating regardless if you run 20 miles a day low weight females live longer than males due to presence of estrogen and also fact that mitochondria come from women mom fat is carried subcutaneously as you get older around age 50 it moves toward and around your organs which is when it becomes dangerous BMI is not necessarily always a good indicator of health doesn t account for muscle weight matters what you eat and when you eat it in relation to mortality after retirement age 65ish the advice now is to gain weight due to higher risk of metabolic disorders low functions prior to dementia traumatic illnesses of old age there is a dramatic drop off in weight isn t just biorhythm but also your age endogenous endocannabinoids basically marijuana receptors release causes feeling of the munchies anti cannabinoid Rimonabant lowered addiction to cigarettes alcohol food lost weight made it into phase 3 trials in 2013 until people started to commit suicide in high rates people taking this reduced their happiness didn t allow brain s endocannabinoid system to properly function when patients stopped taking it addictions came back

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OSU PSYCH 3313 - Circadian Rhythm

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