HUM3321 Multicultural Dimensions of Film and 20th Century Culture Mid term Study Guide Terms with an asterisk designate a possible short answer candidate these are the only terms that will require remembering dates and specific content from the films Kellner Cultural Studies Multiculturalism and Media Culture 1 Triangulated approach to cultural studies Production and political economy economic gain and the preservation of privilege play a factor political economy refers to how the conservative and liberal values of institutions influence media content Textual analysis quantitative and qualitative approaches are used to analyze and critique how race class gender and sexuality are portrayed in a film Audience reception and use of media culture audiences can appropriate media to empower themselves the hegemony fails when the dominant ideology of weaker than social resistance 2 Media Literacy to equip individuals with the ability to read criticize and resist socio cultural manipulation which promotes social and political transformation 3 Ideology a system of ideas and ideals especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy Lull Hegemony power 1 Hegemony refers both to power itself and to the process for gaining and maintaining 2 Counter Hegemonic Tendencies formulated in processes of communication in the interpretations social circulation and uses of media content Belton The Emergence of the Cinema as an Institution 1 Aspects of the Cinematic Institution 4 2 Developments and Inventions that established cinema as an institution 3 1 Economic 2 Social 3 Technological 4 Psychological 1 The Kinetoscope 1891 1893 2 The Nickelodeon Era 1905 3 The Movie Place 1908 present Hall Representation Meaning and Language 1 Representation A process of correlating things and signs which is indispensible to the production of meaning and requires a conceptual map and a shared language 2 Conceptual Maps A system by which things in the world are correlated with concepts or mental representations Shared conceptual maps make communication possible 3 Language Communication requires the translation of conceptual maps into shared language of codes signs Signs Codes words sounds images which represent concepts and carry meaning 4 Codes a bridge between these two systems of representation 1 5 Constructionist Theory of Representation meanings are conventions constructed by social actors using shared symbolic practices and processes Meaning is relational many cultures don t have works for certain concepts that are normal and widely acceptable for us McNamee Miller The Meritocracy Myth 1 Meritocracy Myth A gap between how people think the system works and how the system actually does work 2 Non merit Barriers Lookism disguised discrimination Race Age Sexuality Gender Disability Religion 3 Inheritance Social and Cultural Capital Unequal starting points High standards of living Access to educational opportunities Better health care Knowing the right people and how to behave around them Insulation from downward mobility 4 Social and Cultural Capital refers essentially to the social value of whom and what you know Belton Classical Hollywood Cinema Narration 1 Elements of Classical Hollywood Narration Narrative Structure 3 High Artifice Invisible Art Equilibrium and Disruption Characters and Goals 2 Willing Suspension of Disbelief Is where the audience engages in the film in an emotional 3 Segmentation the process of analysis in which films are broken down into individual shots or sequences in order to discuss them as parts of a larger whole level as it were real 4 Dramatic Unities 3 Unity of Action e g a trial Unity of Time e g linear action in a single day Unity of Space e g a room 5 Modernists Convey the spirit of crisis that characterizes the modern post Industrial Revolution twentieth century age by rejecting classical forms ex single vs multiple points of view linear time vs flashbacks and a resolution vs irresolution Belton Classical Hollywood Cinema Style 1 Mise en sc ne is the way that directors communicate information to the audience other than through dialogue 2 Camera movements 3 Pans Tracks Dolly Crane 2 2 Three point lighting Key light the chief light used to light the main object of the shot Fill light a weaker light used to fill in the shadows cast by the key light Back light used to light the backdrop of the shot 3 High and low key lighting High key lighting Bright a high ratio of fill light Usually in comedies and musicals Low key lighting Dark low ratio of fill light Usually in mysteries horror film noir 4 Star lighting and directional lighting Star lighting makes the star the source of light Directional lighting is the more realistic light that allows shadows and is used for 6 Scene to Scene editing transitions 5 minor players 5 Sound mixing 3 Dialogue Sound Effects Music Straight cut Fade Dissolve Wipe Iris imaginary line 10 Matches 3 Graphic matches Matches on action Eyeline matches important figures and objects 8 Crosscutting or parallel cutting involves shifting back and forth between 2 or more characters or stories which are occurring in two or more separate spaces more or less simultaneously 9 180 Degree Rule maintains the illusion of spatial reality by shooting from one side of an 11 Establishing shot sets up the context for a scene by showing the relationship between irs Althusser Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses 1 ISA Ideological State Apparatus public or private specialized institutions whose primary function is to promote the ruling ideology and secondarily to repress even through violence what is contrary to the ruling ideology Ex churches schools sports families and the media 2 RSA Repressive State Apparatus public organizations whose primary function is to repress even through violence what is contrary to the ruling ideology as well as enforce the ruling ideology and secondarily to promote ideologies that aid in the cohesion of the members of the RSA Examples government police military prisons court system 3 Interpellation individuals or subjects are products of social forces ideologies and see themselves through the ideology England et al Gender Role Portrayal and the Disney Princess 1 Gender Transgression and its consequence consistently portrayed gender role images may be interpreted as normal by children and become connected with their concepts of socially acceptable behavior and morality They develop lasting negative associations with non
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