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Essential Elements of Biochemistry BCHM 3050 Dr Srikripa Chandrasekaran Lecture 4 6 15 Notes Introduction to Glycolysis continued I II III IV V Step 8 A Push the phosphate group from position 3 to position 2 Step 9 A Dehydration reaction losing water B The enzyme for step 8 is enolase which is a type of lyase Step 10 A This is a Substrate Level phosphorylation that produces ATP B Alanine is a by product of step 10 C All activators and inhibitors in step 10 are allosteric so they act on a site other than the active site D Net gain of 2 ATP E deltaG is the net pre energy F A lot of heat is generated during glycolysis G If energy is not part of the net energy that means that it was released as heat at some point during the reaction H Know all of the inhibitors and activators for the exam I Phosphofructokinase1 is inhibited by ATP Pyruvate Kinase is regulated by direct covalent modification A The modification is phosphorylation B Drastic phosphorylation are caused by the levels of insulin vs glucagon kinase C The enzyme that is subject to direct covalent modification is pyruvate Glucokinase is a molecular sensor of high glucose levels A Glycogen is the the glucose units connected together B Glucose is alpha 1 4 that are connected by glycosidic linkages C Hexokinase Km is about 10 times lower than glucokinase Km that means that hexokinase has better affinity since it has a lower Km so it is the enzyme that usually carries out this reaction D Glucoskinase will only function if you have a very high amount of VI substrate Insulin is needed in order to activate hexokinase E Glycolysis Energy Investment A Phosphofructo kinase is highly regulated Glycolysis Energy Payoff A Dehydrogenase is where NADH is generated B Step 10 is reversible VIII Regulation of glycolysis VII 1 A Glucokinase happens in the liver glucose 6 phosphate cannot inhibit glucokinase B Hexokinase happens in the blood stream outside of the liver and C gets inhibited by glucose 6 phosphate Insulin activates glucosekinase in the liver insulin activates almost all of the enzymes that carries out glycolysis D Glucagon inhibits glycolysis Metabolic fate of pyruvate A Generates 2 NADH B NADH is responsible for generating ATP Lactic acid fermentation A Dehydrogenase is another enzyme at which oxidation and reduction occurs B NAD participates in glycolysis later on C NADH comes form the source of NAD Alcohol fermentation A 2 enzymes participate in alcohol fermentation B Yeasts recycle their NAD because if they encounter oxygen they d prefer to do anaerobic respiration IX X XI 2

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Clemson BCHM 3050 - Introduction to Glycolysis

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