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HUM3321 Multicultural Dimensions of Film and 20th Century Culture Final Exam Study Guide Format The final exam is not cumulative The format will be fill in the blank 20 questions 2 points each matching 23 terms 2 points each and short response choose 3 of 4 options 8 points each The highest possible score is 110 points The exam will test your knowledge of specific anthology article terms and concepts the technical aspects and historical developments of film Belton chapters the content of the selected films in the course as they relate to the anthology articles as well as your ability to integrate compare and contrast concepts presented in the course material Refer to the Test Strategies document for more information Polices Students may use a pencil or dark ink pen to complete the exam and must write legibly or the response will not be graded Unless there is an extenuating circumstance and or the instructor is contacted prior to an exam make up exams will not be administered Make up exams must be taken within 48 hours of the original exam date and time if at all possible and the format will be entirely short answer Terms with an asterisk designate a possible short answer candidate these are the only terms that will require remembering dates and specific content from the films Belton The Film School Generation people who become directors in film 1 French New Wave a Period in late 1950s that was marked by film critics becoming directors b Movement from critics to directors c They would make allusions to other films within their films cinefile person who knows a d a lot about film Instead of people going to studios people go to school to become directors instead Instead of studios bearing trademark of each film studios were associated with certain film genres and styles it is the director giving the stamp on the film based on their style and personality basically trademarks the film as one of their works 2 Auteur theory see with American New Wave 3 American new wave late 1960s 4 Pastiche refers to something in post modern film making a Reception of the French New Wave b A lot of similar trends c Appreciation and revision of the cannon classics of American films d Films are part of artistic culture versus just entertainment e Gave way to Auteur theory a People making films for specific audiences and targets b People know more about films because it is being incorporated into school education c How in post modern shift in film making you see references to other films literature i References to idea object or subject that is meant to give an insider look for paintings etc people who know about films and other things that is meant to be an embracement of that idea or other films 5 The failure of the new anxiety in post modern film making thinking they have done everything already nothing is new anymore a Anxiety to creating something new instead of referencing things that already exist but not knowing how to haven t we seen enough remakes already 6 Brat pack nostalgia back to the 80 s 7 1980s and 1990s filmmakers a People who appear in a lot of movies together in some way shape or form b Modern example Breakfast Club a 1980 influence was other films looking back to originals b 1990s influence was television i Weren t making references to older movies 8 Two part distribution pattern 1 a Exploitation films and Blaxploitation movies is where this term comes from i Jaws exploited the two part pattern used in the 70s topics from exploitation films getting a bigger budget for production 1 Seedier and back alley elicit topics used and given a sleek Hollywood treatment b First part is that unlike studio films the film now opens everywhere c Second part huge media blitz that accompanies it i Commercials toys video games etc Noriega US Latinos and Film 1 Latino as hilo thread it is thread throughout culture and identities it cannot be separated simply into one category such as Latino a It involves various races and other cultural identities 2 Mestizos mixed races latinos and Latinas are not just that they are mixes of so much more 3 Sleeping giant metaphor if all of the Latinos and Latinas come up and voice their opinion they than that can really make changes Rowe Whose America i 1 White Victimage White people thinking all of the aliens from other countries are invading the country and moving the standard away from what it means to be American a Anxiety around the unstable culture around what it means to be American If you are no longer in the majority it might threaten the power and control you have b Kind of showing how Democracy doesn t work in the way we think it does still worried 2 The feminzation of space and whore mother seeing the USA as represented as a white woman about not being the majority and not having a voice how penetration of aliens into the USA is penetrating the white woman Idea of brown people invading makes the white woman a whore because they are technically raping her i White men have to spring into action to protect the white woman from the brown a people protection of the borders b Playing on idea that colored people are sexually aggressive c Mother part is idea that USA is land of free home of brave mother seen as sustainer and gives birth to nation i Resources to sustain life and when other people who come into the space are making the resources smaller because motherly resources are not unlimited Fisher Precarious Dystopias 1 Cyberfeudal refers to the fact that there is no advertising in Hunger Games 2 Suicide as a political act it is saying no more to the ruling hegemony a The support and consumption is virtual so you do not see the dependence that the Panem depends on the districts but you don t see the consumption in the actual film b Not in your face that they are over consuming a Argues that they own your life if you take your life away yourself you are denying them b Disrupts the capitals games if there is not a single winner in Hunger Games gives c Can use death to bring national attention to issue and you have control over your own that control to kill you when they want them control over themselves life Karl Marx The Destructive Power of Money 1 How money is an alienated form of labor a Used to have close relationship with what we made Inflation determines what something s value is abstract distances us from the very b thing that we have made c Intangible goods for labor like teaching no physical thing from teaching except money made from teaching d No

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