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The Persuaders Notes Clutter crisis we develop immunities Advertising industry in struggle to break thru the clutter crisis Advertisers have blurred line between programming and product When a culture becomes advertising friendly is ceases to be culture at all Two men preparing for a guerilla operation looking for good location New kind of urban warfare sneaker companies battle for our attention Cant walk down street without being bombarded Times Sq built a second skin of all these ads Vicious circle of clutter They make clutter and also trying to break thru the clutter every effort to break thru the clutter is more clutter Consumers are like roaches we develop immunities Once you are in the game you can t stop Persuasion industry narrator writes about this Where will the ad arms race lead He is at a party for an airplane trying to compete with JetBlue and SONG remake its image as a young airline starting an airline in the worst time period They had to start from scratch they have to get peoples attention and invent a new culture around flying Song s research got a nugget women s needs weren t being met They did stronger market research on their target consumer Trying to forge a connection with women TV campaign first impressions differentiate the airway Communicates to people on a level beyond a logical level How creative can an ad get and still be an ad If a campaign doesn t connect Song will just become part of the noise Emotional Branding Words hammered into your brain Someone s they lose their meaning New marketing lept over what the product did and went to what the product MEANT Starbucks idea of community Selling multiculturalism diversity Polaroid isn t a camera but a social lubricant CULT culture why people join cults and apply that to brands Join cult or follow a brand for same reason TO FEEL BELONGING and MAKE MEANING Brand experience Brands become an invite to an already made lifestyle Saatchi Saatchi turn any product into an object of devotion Brands experiences Is Song breaking thru the clutter Iconic place in your heart The Time They Are A Changing the ads Networks are losing views to things like TIVO etc because people skip through SOLUTION brands pay shows to put ad placement in the shows Integration of entertainment and advertising o Sex and the City talks about Absolute Vodka Absolut got access to HBO s upscale audience who watch Sex and the City IEP looks for ways to integrate products into programs if you can tell its advertising then it is not seamless enough should feel natural BMW developed new form hybrid of ad and movie They were the sponsor and director featured famous actors The Science of Selling Unconscious associations for products lying deep in our brains Psychological tests on people to get their associations with luxury Theory of Luxury Giving Us What We Want Give the public what they want to hear One technique listening to the public ask questions and listen Using the right language to get people on board with corporate American because they are down on them They want to understand how people feel on the inside Live in a world where we come first The Persuaders listen to us when others don t believe in us and make us feel powerful Consumer in total control

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