Essential Elements of Biochemistry BCHM 3050 Dr Srikripa Chandrasekaran Lecture 4 17 15 Notes Respiratory Electron Transport continued I Postulates of the Chemiosmotic Theory A Pre processing and TCA occurs in the matrix B Complex 1 4 Electron Transport Chain occurs in the inner membrane II III IV V C High proton accumulation in inter membrane space D ATP is made in the matrix E Extremely high concentration on protons in inter membrane space low pH acidic in inter membrane space F Can insert molecules uncouplers and ionophores to disrupt follow of molecules back into the matrix and disrupt ATP synthesis Evidence Supporting the Chemiosmotic Theory A Big differences in charge of the matrix and the inter membrane space this tells you that chemiosmosis is occurring Examples of Uncouplers of ATP Synthesis A Dinitrohphenol acts as an uncoupler if it gets onto your skin so it B Gramcidin acts as an uncoupler for bacteria makes sure that bacteria C Gramcidin works for bacteria primarily because of the composition of disrupts ATP synthesis eventually dies out the cell membrane Heat Generation by Uncoupled Mitochondria A Adipose couplers are rich in uncouplers they need to maintain their body temperature this extra adipose tissue is around their neck and down their back B Thermogenin causes some of the protons to go through this uncoupler in order to release heat rather than making energy this keeps the babies warm and their body temperatures higher the babies thus do not generate as much ATP but they do not need more ATP because they do not engage in much activity C Thermogenin is activated by fatty acids called adipose cells The ATP Synthase A B For every NADH that enters Complex 1 you get 10 protons Complex Inter membrane space a lot of proton accumulation 1 gives 4 protons Complex 3 gives 4 protons and Complex 4 gives 2 protons C 2 pyruvates makes 8 NADH 2 NADH from pyruvate processing and 6 NADH from TCA D 2 FADH2 16 protons 1 E 2 NADH from cytoplasm from glycolysis enters Complex 2 and creates 12 protons F 80 12 12 104 protons in most areas of the body G 112 protons in the liver because you have more NADH H F0 embedded in the inner membrane I F1 in the matrix the enzyme part makes ATP J F1 will still functions if it gets separated from F0 K A and C work together to get the protons into the matrix the protons exit through C L 3 alphas and 3 betas M The gamma part holds the alpha and beta N ATP and phosphate bind in beta beta is the activation site O Alpha is regulatory and does not catalyze any reactions P Alpha and beta are stable parts Q Gamma and epsilon are the moveable parts R Alpha and beta move when gamma and epsilon move but they do not move on their own VI Binding Change Mechanism for ATP Synthesis A 3 types of betas loose open and tight L O T B When 1 protons enters the matrix beta changes into its loose form C When a 2nd protons gets into the matrix the beta becomes tight and it D When a 3rd proton gets into the matrix the beta becomes open and it can synthesis an ATP releases an ATP E When 3 protons enter the matrix 1 ATP is released from the beta F When 1st proton gets into the matrix the beta goes open to loose ATP and phosphate will interact VII VIII Glycerol 3 phosphate Shuttle A Dihydroxyacytonephosphate DHAP B DHAP gets converted to glycerol 3 phsophate which moves through the mitochondria easily and delivers electrons to Complex 2 C Glycerol 3 phosphate is the reduced form of DHAP The Aspartate Malate Shuttle A B In the Kreb s Cycle malate gets converted to oxaloacetate In the Aspartate Malate Shuttle oxaloacetate gets converted into malate reverse reaction C Malate transports the NADH into the matrix and delivers it to Complex 1 D Number of protons that can accumulate in the liver form 1 molecule of glucose 1 2 NADH from cytoplasm 10 protons per NADH 8 NADH from Kreb s 2 FADH2 6 protons per FADH2 112 protons total 32 ATP IX In the brain you get 80 12 12 104 protons 30 ATP E Reduced Nucleotides Are Not Enough A Invest 4 protons total to make 1 ATP 2 B Need 1 more protons to get an inorganic phosphate inside to create the ATP C 104 protons makes 26 ATP D Per 1 molecule of glucose you get 2 ATP from glycolysis 2 ATP from Kreb s Cylce and 26 ATP from ETC 30 ATP total E ETC 104 protons 26 ATP 1 NADH 10 protons 4 protons 1 ATP 10 protons 2 5 ATP 1 FADH2 6 protons 6 protons 1 5 ATP 3
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