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SPC 3210 FINAL EXAM Communication Accommodation Theory CAT Howard Giles I Intro A II III IV V I When 2 people from diff ethic or cultural groups interact they accommodate ex speech accommodation each other in the way they speak in order to gain the other s approval focused on nonverbal adjustments CAT theory of intercultural comm that actually attends to comm Accomodation the constant movement toward and away from others by changing your communicative behavior Last 20 years has been intergenerational communication b t those less than and greater than 65 Convergence you adapt your comm behavior as to become more similar to the other person Communication Accommodation Strategies used to interact w diverse others B C D A B Divergence accentuating the differences b t yourself another A form of audience adaption to reduce nonverbal differences Discourse management sensitive selection of topics to discuss another way of adapting Counter accommodation direct ways of maximizing the differences b t speakers Speakers may also persist in their original communication style regardless of the other person or overaccomodate creating a feeling of patronization Self handicapping face saving strategy for the elderly blame age for not performing well Maintenance persisting in your original communication style regardless of the comm behavior of the other similar to divergence underaccommodation Overaccommodation Demeaning or patronizing talk excessive concern paid to vocal clarity or amplitude message simplification or repetition Motivations for Convergence desire for approval Divergence need for distinctiveness Social Identity Theory group memberships social categories that we use to define who we are A We communicate as representatives of groups that define us Communication may be used to reinforce and defend ties to reference groups Initial orientation predisposition a person has toward focusing on either individual identity OR group identity 5 factors impact the perception of a conversation as an intergroup encounter 1 B a b c d e Collective cultural context Distressing history of interaction Stereotypes Norms expectations about behavior that members of a community feel should not occur in particular situations High group solidarity high group dependence The all have to line up in direction or public identity is it an intergroup encounter Recipient evaluation of Convergence positive speakers are more competent attractive warm and cooperative Divergence negative speakers are insulting impolite and hostile A What is ultimately important is how the communicator is perceived Objective vs subjective accommodation a b A disconnect may exist b t what is actually happening what a listener perceives Speakers who converge may also misperceive the other s style Attribution theory the perceptual process by which we observe what people do and then try to figure out their intent or disposition a b c We attribute an internal disposition to the behavior we see another enact Default assumption people who do things like that are like that Listeners evaluation is based on ability constraints and effort CAT can be applied to any intercultural or intergroup situation ex analyzing routine traffic stops for issues of accommodation and race 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 1 2 Intro A B C 1 2 Helps to explain cultural differences in response to conflict All people negotiate face Face the projected image of one s self in a relational situation metaphor for our public self image Facework specific verbal nonverbal messages that help to maintain and restore face loss and to uphold and honor face gain vary w culture Our identity can always be called into question which inevitably leads to conflict vulnerability Face maintenance crucial intervening variable ties culture to people s ways of handling conflict Face Negotiation Theory Stella Ting Toomey SPC 3210 FINAL EXAM II Collectivistic and Individualistic Cultures 1 B A Collectivistic culture people identify w a larger group that is responsible for providing care in exchange for providing care in exchange for group loyalty we identity high context culture Ex Americans assume that every person is unique and reduce uncertainty by asking questions Ex Japanese perceive others in us them categories and attach little importance to pursuing outsiders attitudes or feelings Individualistic culture people look out for themselves immediate families I identity low context culture 3 important distinctions the different ways members perceive self goals and duty People w in a culture differ on the relative emphasis they place on individual self sufficiency or group solidarity Self construal self image degree to which people conceive of themselves as relatively autonomous from or connected to others Self construal Varied self images w in a culture esp ones that are ethnically diverse A B C 1 III C A B C B 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 IV Face is an extension of self concept 1 The is an independent self more self face oriented this view of self is more prevalent w in individualistic cultures and interdependent self more concerned with other face closely aligned w collectivistic cultures Foundational idea people from collectivistic or individualistic cultures are diff in the way they manage face and conflict situations Now self construal is a better predictor of face concerns conflict styles than ethnic cultural background Penelope Brown Stephen Levinson def of face the public self image that every member of society wants to claim for himself herself Ting Toomey def of face the projected image of one s self in a relational situation Face concern Whose face is being saved Self face save one s own face individualistic cultures I Other face save face of others collectivistic cultures Face restoration the self concerned facework strategy used to preserve autonomy and defend against loss of personal freedom justifying one s actions OR blaming the situation Face giving the other concerned facework strategy used to defend and support another s need for inclusion Not embarrassing humiliating others in public humility I Mutual face equal concern for both parties image their public image V Predictable Styles of Conflict Management styles vary according to their culture related face concern A Rahim Ting Toomey s 5 responses withdrawal collectivistic 2nd highest rated for other person face Avoiding Obliging giving in collectivistic highest rated for other person face Compromising negotiation collectivistic Integrating problem

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FSU SPC 3210 - Communication Accommodation Theory

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