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Exam 3 Clinical and Counseling Psychology 1 Describe define psychotherapy Psychotherapy is a form of treatment for problems of an emotional nature 2 Know the common features of most psychotherapies The common features of most psychotherapies are Relationship therapeutic alliance nature of the relationship between therapist and client Building competence mastery self confidence in ability to accomplish goals The expert role training knowledge experience Nonspecific factors faith hope expectations 3 Describe the steps involved in the typical course of psychotherapy A typical course has 5 steps Initial Contact intake admission interview Assessment initial testing conceptualization of problem o Case history interview o Diagnostic interview o IQ assessment o Personality assessment o Behavioral assessment Goal of Treatment discuss prioritize problems agree on goals and responsibilities Implementing treatment proceed with treatment assess throughout and modify goals if necessary Termination Evaluation follow up o Terminate when goals reached clinet is independent o Plan ahead o Provide data 4 Describe compare and contrast efficacy research and effectiveness research Efficacy Study is the therapy efficacious is the average person receiving the treatment significantly less dysfunctional than the average person not receiving the treatment Very controlled Often take place in labs Patients are pre screened and paid to participate Therapists are closely supervised Patients randomly assigned to treatment or control Effectiveness Studies is the therapy effective so typical clients receiving typically administered treatment report clinically significant benefit from therapy Real world not research lab Range of clients Range of therapists 5 Is psychotherapy efficacious Effective What is the supporting research Efficacy Research Efficacy Research Eysenck 1952 examined outcomes across 24 treatment studies and concluded that psychotherapy did not work because 72 of patients improved with no treatment and 44 66 of patients in treatment improved Eysencks work was controversial and has been criticized however it inspired future research Smith Glass and miller 1980 examined 475 psychotherapy outcome studies and concluded that the average person receiving psychological treatment is functioning better than 80 of those not receiving treatment Effective Research Consumer Reports survey of 4 000 readers who had a sought treatment for a psychological problem and most people reported improvement o look in textbook o So overall research supports the conclusion that therapy generally helps 6 Define the Dodo bird hypothesis and its origin LECTURE ONLY The Dodo bird hypothesis was all therapies are winners and all produce equivalent outcomes and common factors produce outcomes not specific features of different therapies 7 Know the evidence against the Dodo bird hypothesis The evidence against the Dodo Bird hypothesis is the Smith Glass and miller case in 1980 which says Psychodynamic ws 75 effective and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was 87 effective 8 Is all psychotherapy the same What is the supporting research All therapies were generally the same in terms of outcome and this was backed up by Luborsky Singer by the dodo bird hypothesis 9 Define Evidence Based Treatments Those interventions or techniques that have produced significant change in clients in controlled clinical trails and it was criteria disseminated by American Psychological Association 10 What is the criteria for the evidence based treatment Well Established Treatments o At least 2 good group design studies conducted by DIFFERENT investigators demonstrating efficacy in 1 or more of the following ways Superior to pill or psychological placebo or to another treatment Equivalent to an already established treatment in studies with adequate statistical power o A large series of single case design studies demonstrating efficacy They must have Experimental Treatments o Treatments not yet tested in trial meeting task force criteria for methodology Used good experimental designs Compared to intervention to another treatment o studies must be conducted with treatment manuals o characteristics of the client sample must be clearly specified o 11 Define manualized treatment Know the arguments for and against manualized treatments TEXT ONLY Know about the 1995 consumer report study o What it found o Limitations o Know what is necessary for each what is the gold standard Chapter 12 1 Describe Sigmund Freud and his contributions to the field of psychology Sigmund Freud most influential contributor to the field of personality and therapy and rooted in the psychoanalytic theory 2 Describe how did the study of hysteria influenced Freud 3 Describe the assumptions of the Freudian view Unconscious motivation cause of disturbed behavior Psychic determinism everything has meaning purpose significance The instincts o Eros the life instincts Sex hunger thirst art music literature o THanatos the death instincts Dark side of human behavior self destructive behavior 4 Name the three basic structures of personality according to the Freudian view ID deep inaccessible portion of the personality o Instincts urges desires for immediate gratification o Pleasure principle Ego Superego o Arise out of the inadequacies of the ID o Cant always act on impulse o Reality principle o Represents ideals and values of society o Reward punishment o Morality principle 5 Name the psychosexual stages and describe how do they relate to problem behavior Oral 0 1 o Focuses on mouth tongue lips o Weaning off of breast feeding or formula Anal 6mo 3 o Smoking and overeating adult fixation o Focus on anus o Toilet training is main development o Orderliness messiness is adult fixation Phallic 3 7 o Focus of genitals o Development is resolving Oedipus electra complex o Deviancy sexual dysfunction is adult fixation Latency 5 12 o No focus o Developing defense mechanisms o No adult fixation Genital 12 ONSET OF PUBERTY o Focus on genitals o Develop reaching full sexual maturity o If all stages successfully completed then person is sexually matured and mentally healthy 6 According to Freud where does anxiety come from and how does one cope with it Anxiety comes from real danger from outside world fear that ID impulses will be expressed unchecked and fear that one will not conform to standards of conscious 7 Describe the role of insight The ultimate goal of psychoanalytic intervention It is total

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FSU CLP 3305 - Clinical and Counseling Psychology

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