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All vocab words listed below are found on an easier to read quizlet flash card format found at the end of this document 1 Establishing shot Shot functions to present the spatial parameters within which the subsequent action of a scene takes place or otherwise introduce a scene o EX the hills are alive the sound of music 2 Fade Gradual darkening of image until it becomes black fade out or gradual brightening or darkened images until it becomes visible fade in 3 Graphic Match Used in continuity editing where major features of the composition in one shot are duplicated or matched in the next shot providing graphic continuity that serves to bridge the edit 4 Crosscutting or Parallel Editing o When story different things happen simultaneously at different locations EX jaws people at the beach or jaws in the water Happening at the same time Cutting back and forth between two or more separate scenes how all of our editing is done can see things simultaneously 5 Deep Focus o Everything is in focus extreme background and foreground Relies on wide angle lens coated lenses fast film and powerful illumination to produce image that posses extreme depth of field extreme foreground and background appear in sharp focus everything is in focus 6 Process Shot Not really done in film anymore When character gets in car looking at character driving but outside looks weird fake don t really worry about this one 7 Diegetic Non Diegetic Within the world of the character of the movie If the character can hear it Space or world of the story anything that belongs to this space that could be seen or heard by characters Which does not belong to this space ex credits horror music 8 Key lighting low key high key Brightest source of light in a scene Low film noir suspense horror Little fill light resulting in dark or shadow filled image High comedies musicals upbeat films Fill light eliminates dark shows cast by the key light producing image that is brightly and evenly lit 9 Point of view shot editing Shot clearly marked as subjective in nature and duplicates optical perspective of a specific character in film Form of eye line matching that involves a series of 3 separate shots shot of character looking offscreen POV of what character sees reaction shot of character THREE SHOTS 10 Genre Category of filmmaking that is recognized as a type possessing familiar narrative and stylistic conventions Standard genres are the melodrama Wester war film musical and comedy categorization of movies 11 Mise en scene o Putting on the stage Dressing the stage Directors will have to place things in their setting EX Hunger games not real world o Director controls all aspects of scene French put on stage Encompasses variety of theatrical categories related to staging of action for the camera Range from purely theatrical areas of expression set design costume design blocking of actors performance and lighting to purely filmic techniques camera movement angle distance Includes relation of everything within the shot to everything else within the shot of actors to the decor of decor to actors to lighting of actors decor and lighting to camera position so forth everything the director wants in the shot 12 Rack Focus Have something close up and in background and shifts focus bw the two 13 Steadicam o Person puts camera on backpack and walks through crowd 14 Tracking Shot Camera mounted on any mobile camera support moves bodily through space in any variety of directions parallel to floor Sometimes camera is placed on tracks laid on floor or built into ceiling ANYTHING THAT FOLLOWS SOMETHING crane helicopter dolly anything that moves tilt pan moving or editing 15 Wipe o One image wipes another image off the screen horizontally or vertically 16 Match on action camera from one room to another seem seamless walk through door one camera in first room another in the other room waiting for me 17 shot reverse shot TWO SHOTS usually in conversation o 2 shots Camera does this then does that Mostly used in conversations 18 Paramount Case 1948 broke up monopoly of vertically integrated movie system 19 Movie Palaces Enormous motion pic theater with lavish often exotic decor Located in large urban area typically had enough seats for several thousand spectators at once big movie theater look like churches babysiting cigar rooms etc 20 Nickelodeon Small storefront motion picture theater Approx 25 ft wide and 75 100 ft long seating 200 spectators Intro in 1905 named because charged customers a nickel for fill program of motion picture entertainment went to storefront and paid nickel to see bunch of short movies 21 B Films Quickly made motion pictures usually produced to fill second half of double bill that also features an A film generally have a budget and running time significantly less than that of A films coming to see 2nd run film 22 Production Code aka Hays Code or Hays Production Code Rules and regulation est at various periods during history of studio sys indicated particular subjects from nudity white slavery drug addiction other criminal acts to miscegenation that were not permitted to be represented on screen 23 Diaspora dispersing or spreading out of a population usually forced native americans off reservations africans 24 Hegemony JAMES LULL influence dominance power over another group Dominance and Subordination Method for gaining and maintaining power EX US is white hegemony We have 2 diasporas Native Americans and African Hegemony people had over cultures Coined by Gramsci 25 Conceptual Maps 1 type of system of representation The system by which all objects people and events are correlated with a set of concepts or mental representations which we carry around in our heads Must be shared between groups or members of a culture or society o EX Chairs are like stools both sit on them and they are different from tables which you put things on but you sit on tables in doctor s offices 26 Language 1 type of system of representation Makes available the meanings that we make of our world It correlates our concepts and ideas with certain written words spoken sounds or images o Signs Term for words sounds images which carry meaning They represent the concepts and the conceptual relations between them 27 3 approaches of Language 1 Reflective approach Language reflects meanings which are already out there in the world of objects people and events o Problem We need to learn the code to understand each other 2 Intentional approach Language expresses

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