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22 from chapters 1 3 and the appendix primarily from chapters 1 and 3 there is a lot of overlap on the information 2 from the section on chapter 4 that we covered on research and ethics Target pages 29 and 30 and text pages 120 123 11 from chapter 5 Please note As the DSM V has made changes to the axis system I have eliminated any questions regarding the DSM axis from the exam Chapter 1 Clinical Psychology An Introduction 1 Most common answer about difference between psychiatry and psychology is a psychiatrist can 2 New Mexico and Louisiana allow clinical psychologists to prescribe medication more states to prescribe medication come 3 The training model a The Medical Model Tradition b Psychological Model Tradition c Difference in default Interpersonal social for psychological model usually results in talk therapy Freud behavior modification Skinner i Biological for medical model usually results in treating with medication ii iii US has 5 of world population and 45 of the world s prescriptions iv Effective advertising v Psychiatrists are rooted in the medical tradition 1 Ex Social Anxiety Disorder or Erectile Dysfunction 4 Monday difference between clinical and counseling a Counseling is a subset of clinical b c d More clinical opportunities e The severity of the client more minor problems less severe anxiety depression goes to If you do clinical you can do counseling If you do counseling you can t do clinical than counseling counseling i Counseling traditionally works with normal or moderately maladjusted 5 School psychologists f Clinical handles more serious problems like schizophrenia a A lot of assessment b Meets with parents and teachers c Develop individualized plans d Not a lot of continuity e School counselors work with kids who are bullied parents who are getting divorced f School counselors under the desgression of the principal psychologist is their own boss a Not all clinical psychologists do the same thing b Therapy intervention i Usually 1 on 1 ii There are different approaches iii Symptom substitution 6 Activities that a clinical psychologist does all of unit 3 deployed etc chapter 5 unit 2 Teaching c Diagnosis assessment d Supervision e Research f Consultation g Administration records get another professionals opinion with equal or more education you are only as good as your records i Records need to be secure ii You can request to see your records a copy of your records if you are over 18 iii Problems with requesting records 1 They are going to google things not always correct 2 Professional may use words with a different connotation than society a Ex had an abortion vs having a miscarriage 3 Self fulfilling prophecy and clinicians are not always correct 1 h Employment sites page 9 i Private practice is the most frequent employment setting 1 This includes working with insurance companies 2 University settings are second 3 Military and VA large employment of practitioners common for Psy D 4 Prison systems 5 Hospitals umbrella billing i Primary theoretical orientation integrative approach p 9 1 Willing to use whatever approach that would help the client the most i Some demographic notes j Page 16 not in chapter 1 packet i Saturation point ii Apply to 6 10 graduate schools 1 Divide into 3 sections a Dream schools b Realistic c Safety school Psy D iii How to decide where to apply a GPA b GRE 1 How marketable are you 2 What are they looking at i Overall GPA ii Last 2 years GPA or your psych GPA iii Thresholds 3 5 is better than 3 99999 i Glorified SAT ii Prepare don t study iii Learn how to approach it iv Classes can be helpful expensive v To see how you think through things you don t know vi You can take it more than once but you have to wait a certain vii You have to pay for the test 200 viii Some schools will take only the last others take the highest others take the average scores when multiple tests are taken ix Take many practice tests x Ets org educational testing sources 1 The only one that uses practice exams from past exams xi Kaplan has a practice GRE mock GRE 1 Be careful interpreting your scores 2 They may lower scores to get you to buy their program 3 Don t waste your money 1 There are ways to get it lowered period xii No penalty for guessing on answers xiii Scores are good for several years xiv Psychology subject test paper and pencil only available a few times a year c Your scores won t get you in but they will keep you out d Must be higher for Ph D programs than Psy D programs e Letters of recommendation usually 3 i Get involved with DIS ii Keep away from employment and relatives iii Emphasize the word strong when asking for letters of recommendation 2 f Personal statement iv Be able to provide resume and personal statement statement of objectives for professors to write your letter off of i Can be too long 2 4 pages double spaced for class for ii applications don t double space If you re going into applied research you can do a little bit of self disclosure positive careful have a reason to do it 1 Aunt with schizophrenia 2 Be careful with using names of someone not a family member If you re applying to Ph D research they don t want to 3 hear personal details They only want to know what research you ve done iii If you re going into clinical they want to know you re bilingual 1 Do no harm Don t be controversial If you re behind you can be controversial in your personal statement If you have a good shot of getting in to grad school play 2 it safe with your personal statement iv Don t ever be negative about your school prof internship etc v You need to have good grammar writing vi Don t get it off the internet vii Personality traits that cannot be taught hard worker perseverance viii Academic humility if you make perfect scores on GRE perfect GPA what can you be taught Don t come across as bragging ix If you re bilingual put at beginning or end If you had a bad semester it is an outlier x 1 Explain it 2 Do it in the middle of your statement 3 Beginning and end you remember better If you take a year off BE DOING SOMETHING xi You can talk about things you want to do xii Don t say you have done something you haven t done xiii 1 You can talk about it in the personal statement 2 3 But if you can t just do something It is encouraged that you do something psych related 7 Page 22 licensing very important a Licensing a procedure that you go through in each state i You want to know the person you are seeing is a professional ii Myflorida com make sure they are

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FSU CLP 3305 - Chapter 1: Clinical Psychology: An Introduction

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