Crap Detection 101 o Howard Rheingold o Automation of crapcasting is spamming o Questions the future of the internet as a useful source of credible news medical advice financial information educational resources scholarly and scientific research o Find and verify o Crap information tainted by ignorance inept communication or deliberate deception o Way to detect Identify author Website design Scholarly productivity index Filters Credibility Bias o Threatens the fundamental aspects of democracy economic production and the discovery use of knowledge David Foster Wallace and the Nature of Fact o Josh Roiland o Consciousness o Wallace anti credentialed himself both in person and print Saw clear lines between journalists and novelists o EX Federer o Embellishment o Significant aspect of Wallace s literary journalism His ability to imbue a story with larger significance beyond the ostensible subject Advertising develop the copy disciplines o Traditional advertising account executives deal with clients while the creative Account planners arose to serve as an interface between the two Translate the clients needs into specific propositions for the Backing the agency s resulting proposals with research from agency s creative the field o The sophistication with which advertisers package and deliver their messages has been matched only by the sophistication with which the audience deconstructs them o Targeting one audience can isolate another o Branding Claiming ownership Advertising should be systemized into a science Advertisements are merely printed extensions of a pitch The more you tell the more you sell Avoid frivolity Enticing brand image for a boring product can serve as a mnemonic device for consumers Characters create a sense of drama engaging Icons new unit of communication in media space characterized by deconstruction Icons a way of expressing beliefs o Food in motion o Open with fire Food should always be shot by a moving camera Ads should start in a very enticing and captivating way o Target markets are classist racist and sexist o 1970 s two advertising theories combined Demographic research Brand image Craft appeal to target consumer s underlying psychological needs Today s modern brands don t invent a corporate image on their own they appropriate one from the media because its perceived characteristics match the values of the target consumer not the product itself Ex MetLife Snoopy o 8 14 demographic backseat consumers o Subliminal advertising Advertisers hiding sexual imagery James Vicary man who developed o Psychographics Emotions and attitudes Transcend demographic groups o Self protective irony Distancing from emotional ploys of advertisers o Watching TV postmodern art Action and values of one program are juxtaposed against others o By marketing tools of media to its consumers the electronics industry has unwittingly undermined the efforts of advertisers o Wink advertisements Often borrow imagery from another company s advertisements as a way of eliciting viewer approval How Yesterday s Blue Collar Brands Became Today s Coolest Clothes o Robert Klara o To survive we have to adapt o Not traditional work wear but work inspired o Pricing o Blue collar brands not reaching white collar costumers is a open market share o Selling authenticity can sometimes be a tricky business Consent of the Networked o Rebecca MacKinnon o Super Bowl Sunday 1984 Apple commercial Blond woman throws sledgehammer at screen Youll see why 1984 wont be like 1984 A new virtual sphere that is largely shaped built owned and operated by private companies These companies mediate human relationships including citizens and government App review guidelines Zuckerberg advocates for radical transparency The idea that humanity would be better off if everybody were more transparent about who they are and what they do Anonymity lacks integrity Trust but verify The Virologist o Andrew Marantz o 1999 Emerson Spartz built MuggleNet Most popular Harry Potter fan site o Promotion and packaging o Influence is inextricably linked to impact o Patterns of repetition o Resonant emotion o Declarative sentences o Premium feel o Tonal flexibility o Money is generated through ads that are attention grabbing and easy to navigate o Lines of advertising and content are blurring Will know where you live shopping history and use that to give the ideal tailored ad Your Online Attention Bought in an Instant o Algorithms based on myriad data points o Real time bidding Electronic trading system that sells ad space on the webpages people visit at the very moment they are visiting them Trading in audiences for online ads Bid what your eyeballs are worth to advertisers Determine what you see an ad for Value of impression depends on size of ad type of person who sees it and their location Accounts for a small portion of online as sales growing fast Faster smarted more automated process for brands to find prospects likely to be the best fit for their products Bought ad spaces based on a site s general demographics and showed Now aim at ideal costumer showing them ads at the exact moment every visitor the same ad they are on a specific page o Spray and pray Want everyone else to buy into environmentalism Never say Earth o Heather smith o Interview with David Fenton markets environmental movement o Goal is to sell ideas for better world o Environmental movement doesn t use popular culture o Have to make it relatable to lives the economy and justice o Repetition The Polarization Paradox o Mathew Nisbet and Dietram Scheufele o The article opens with the belief that the level of polarization President Obama would face if re elected in the 2012 presidential elections was unprecedented The severity of the divide hyperpartisanship Hyperpartisanship describes an extremely polarized situation of intense disagreement between political parties Political strategies used by conservatives when facing extreme polarization are effective but when liberals use similar tactics the party s electoral and policy ambitions are jeopardized Liberal s created think tanks media watchdogs billionaire donor networks and cable news programs Political conversations into an industry of disgrace Governing into a form of warfare These constructions are the resulting effects of Hyperpartisanship how both liberals and conservatives have damaged our civic culture due to the loss of a common purpose in American politics Deterioration has a negative effect on society because
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