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Multi Cult Film Midterm Study Guide Kellner Cultural Studies Multiculturalism and Media Culture Pedagogy Method and practice of teaching Media is a form of pedagogy Media is a form of oppression Describe something in the world Symbolize something in the world cross flag Hall Representation Meaning and Language Two Senses of Representation Semiotics Refers to symbolism How do we learn language When you see the American flag it symbolizes something Media is a form of semiotics Reflective A table was a table before we named it that Intentional We call it a table b c valid authority figures say so Constructionist Meaning is constructed socially in and through language Meaning is situational Red stoplight vs Red Exit Sign Ex Seminole logo pic of Iwojima Media etc Term coined by Antonio Gramsci Lull Hegemony Hegemony Dominant group holding power over a subordinate group Tools by which the majority suppress the minority Karl Marx vs Antonio Gramsci Marx Society was organized based on class Gramsci There is a group in charge but it s not always classes based Elite controls society oppress those w o Ex College Professors McNamee and Miller The Meritocracy Myth Meritocracy Myth Equal work achieves equal success Argument What prevents meritocracy Meritocracy doesn t exist The system doesn t equally distribute resources by merit Gender race wealth education etc Multi Cult Film Midterm Study Guide Belton The Emergence of the Cinema as an Institution Cinematic Timeline Kinetoscope Nickelodeon 1905 Motion Picture Patents Company MPPC 1908 Movie Palace 1913 Films were the primary social event First mass culture in America created to regulate film production distribution and exhibition school media etc Teaching us how to recognize it so we can fight it Constitutes individuals as subjects interpellation Althusser Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses Main Point Hegemony Ideology Set of ideals and beliefs of a group or political party Interpellation Processes that make you think of yourself as a subject to the nation Ideological State Apparatus ISA School church State Apparatuses Branches of gov t help teach you to be submissive Repressive SA RSA Gov t agencies that use force violence ideology Institutional SA Non gov t agencies that primarily teach beliefs Teach you to submit not through violence but through ideology family church school military police prison concept of a nation is a relatively new idea History Development Impact over time became a modular concept easily geographically transplanted Became associated with political and ideological aims Anderson Imagined Communities Nation Anderson s def of a Nation an imagined political community and imagined as both Race Class Gender Sexuality Develop differently in different nations Imagined don t know every American but you have an imagined sense of community Limited geographically finite Sovereign Nations are imagined as sovereign in their functional independence Community Nations are imagined as a community Nationalism arouses deep attachments among its members inherently limited and sovereign Multi Cult Film Midterm Study Guide in order to discuss them as parts of a larger whole Belton Classical Hollywood Cinema Narration Analyzing Film Narratives Unity of Action The action makes sense as a discernible unit a trial a war etc Unity of Time One moment flows into the next as in real time 1pm before 2pm Unity of Space Events take place in a given demarcated space room park etc Segmentation analysis where films are broken down into individual shots or sequences Circular Pattern spatial movement of the film is away from a place and then back Journey to a New Place You re not really sure what s going to happen next Modernist Manipulation of Time and Space Vital info withheld until end of film costumes setting lighting camera angles sound music and scene transitions Belton Classical Hollywood Cinema Style Style consists of a film s elements Mise en Scene Refers to the relationship of every aspect of a shot to every other aspect of the Camera Angle distance movement Lighting High key vs low key lighting star vs directional lighting Sound Editing music Transitions Shifting from scene to the next shot Women s Emancipation Liberal Divorce Laws Expectation of personal satisfaction Lack of individual morality Divorce rates climbing in the 20th century Shumway Screwball Comedies Constructing Romance Mystifying Marriage Screwball comedies mystify marriage Timeframe 1920 1940 Mystifying Marriage Leaving the actual marriage to the imagination Triadic Narratological Structure Love Triangle Gender in Screwball comedies Women portrayed as very dependent Men are portrayed as dominant Marriage portrayed as a magical phenomenon Multi Cult Film Midterm Study Guide Andre Stereotypes Conceptual and Normative Considerations Stereotypes Privileged beliefs and false generalizations Attributes of Stereotypes Function of Stereotypes Tools the majority use to oppress the minority Communally held Anti Intellectual you use a stereotype bc you re ignorant stupid To continue social injustice Preserve status quo critiques reinforcement of capitalism Mention the unmentionables Critique culture Race and Racism Class and Classlessness Social Integration Workplace Coming of Age Belton American Comedy Charlie Chaplin Critic of industrialization Buster Keaton Supporter of industrialization Goals of films in the genre Themes of the genre Key events in the development of the genre Race class gender sexuality Repression of Sex Talk around it but its clearly present July 1934 Production Code Can t talk about sex directly 1940s 50s Post WW2 begin to test the boundaries of 1934 Production Code Sex comedies grew racier 60 s black comedy Self Reflection SNL effect Animal comedy family comedy geek comedy Mel Brooks Woody Allen Dyer Homosexuality and Film Noir Film Noir Literally Black Film 1944 1955 Characteristics Structure includes the hero running through a labyrinth Flashback voice over and dream structures Iconography of the film dangerous seedy places dark alley Multi Cult Film Midterm Study Guide Homosexuality in Film Noir First mass exposure to homosexuality was in Film Noir Narrative Structure Homosexuals are neither villains nor friends more like obstacles Encountered in luxury milieu Hillis Film Noir and the American Dream The Dark Side of Enlightenment Central Point Film Noir plays on light can t find enlightenment in the shadows Reluctant Cosmopolitan Character in an urban

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