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Exam 1 Outline Microbes In our lives Living things too small to be seen with the unaided eye are called microorganisms Microorganisms are important in maintaining Earth s ecological balance Some microorganisms live in humans and other animals and are needed to maintain good Some can cause disease while some are used to produce foods chemicals health What is a microbe 6 major groups Prokaryotes Bacteria and Archaea Eukaryotes Algae Protozoa Fungi Viruses Bacteria Archaea Fungi Prokaryotes Prokaryotes Lack Peptidoglycan Eukaryotes Peptidoglycan cell walls Commonly live in extreme conditions Chitin cell walls Binary Fussion Include Use organic chemicals for For energy use organic Methanogens energy chemicals inorganic Extreme halophiles high Yeasts are unicellular chemicals or concentration of salt Molds and mushrooms are photosynthesis Extreme thermophiles high heat multicellular environments Protozoa Eukaryotes Algae Eukaryotes Viruses Acellular Absorb or ingest organic Cellulose cell walls DNA or RNA genome chemicals Use photosynthesis for energy Genome is surrounded by a May be motile via Produce molecular oxygen ad protein coat called capsid pseudopods cilia or flagella organic compounds Coat may be enclosed in a lipid envelope Viruses are replicated only when they are in a living host cell intracellular parasites What is a microbe Microbes are living creatures Except for viruses Have proteins nucleic acids lipids sugars same as us chemically Metabolize grow reproduce response to environment Microbial genomes many are sequences Genome organisms total genetic content Microbes have greatest diversity of genomes Important for understanding evolution Timeline for Milestones in Microbiology 1822 1895 Pasteur Demonstrated that life did not arise spontaneously from nonliving matter 1843 1910 Koch Established experimental steps for directly linking a specific microbe to a specific disease Performed surgery under antiseptic conditions using phenol Proved that microbes caused 1827 1912 Lister surgical wound infections Microorganisms Produce fermented foods like break cheese Produce industrial chemicals like ethanol and acetone Produce medicine vaccines and products used in manufacturing Widely used a stools in biomedical research Decompose organic waste Producers in the ecosystem by photosynthesis Few are pathogenic disease causing Knowledge of Microbiology Allows human to control growth of microbes Decrease growth Prevent food spoilage Prevent disease occurrence Prevent contamination in medicine labs Increase growth Make fermented food Make medicine industrial products Recycle wastes Biological control List the three domains of cellular organisms 3 domains Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Protists Fungi Plants Animals Identify the contributions to microbiology made by Hooke and van Leeuwenhoek Pasteur Koch Semmelweis Lister Ehrlich Jenner and Fleming 1665 Hooke Reported that living things are composed of little boxes or cells 1858 Virchow Cells arise from preexisting cells Cell theory 1673 1723 Van Leeuwenhoek Described live microorganisms Compare spontaneous generation and biogenesis All living things are composed of cells and come from preexisting cells The debate over spontaneous generation where did microbes come from Spontaneous generation The hypothesis that living organisms arise from nonliving matter Biogenesis The alternative hypothesis that the living organisms arise from preexisting life Identify the contributions to microbiology made by Hooke and van Leeuwenhoek Pasteur Koch Semmelweis Lister Ehrlich Jenner and Fleming Pasteur Disproving the Theory of Spontaneous Generation Swan neck flask experiment demonstrates that microbes exist in nonliving matters such as air liquids and solids Experiment results Microorganisms were present in both flask and broth Microorganisms were not present in the broth after boiling Bend in swan neck prevented microbes from entering flask Microorganisms were not present in the broth after boiling Showed that microbes are responsible for fermentation vinegar Fermentation conversion of sugar to alcohol to make beer and wine Bacteria that use alcohol and produce acetic acid spoil wine by turning it to acetic acid Microbial growth is also responsible for spoilage of food Demonstrated that these spoilage bacteria could be killed by heat that was not enough to evaporate the alcohol in wine Pasteurization application of a high heat for a short time 1822 1895 Pasteur Demonstrated that life did not arise spontaneously from nonliving matter Showed that microbes are responsible for fermentation Demonstrated that these spoilage bacteria could be killed by heat that was not hot enough to destroy the flavor of wine milk etc Pasteur disapproved spontaneous generation Made vaccine for rabies and other diseases The Germ Theory of Disease 1865 Pasteur Believed that another silkworm disease was caused by a protozoan Advocated hand washing to prevent transmission of puerperal fever from one obstetrical 1840s Semmelweis patient to another 1860s Lister 1876 Koch Understand Koch s postulates Used phenol as a chemical disinfectant to prevent surgical would infections Proved that a bacterium causes anthrax and provided the experimental steps Detect agent in host s with the disease Isolate pure culture agent Induce disease in new host Re isolate the agent Golden Age of Microbiology 1857 Pasteur Fermentation 1861 Pasteur Disproved spontaneous generation 1864 Pasteur Pasteurization 1867 Lister Aseptic surgery 1876 Koch Germ theory disease 1881 Koch Pure cultures Finley Yellow Fever 1882 Koch Mycobacterium tuberculosis Hess Agar solid media 1883 Koch Vibrio cholerae 1890 von Bering Diptheria antitoxin Ehrlich Theory of immunity 1908 Ehrlich Syphilis Birth of modern Chemotherapy Treatment with chemicals Used to treat infectious diseases can be Synthetic drugs or antibiotics Antibiotics are chemicals produced by bacteria and fungi that inhibit or kill other microbes Ehrlich speculated about a magic bullet that could destroy a pathogen without harming the host Fleming discovered first antibiotic Penicillium 1940s Penicillin was mass produced The First Synthetic Drugs 1910 arsenic drug salvarsan was made to treat syphilis 1930s sulfonamides were synthesized Explain the importance of recombinant DNA technology Recombinant DNA is DNA made from two different sources In the 1960s Paul Berg inserted animal DNA into bacterial DNA and the bacteria produced an animal Recombinant DNA

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