Jim Baughman on the nineteenth century partisan press o Journalism today is becoming too partisan o Partisan press promotes political involvement among the public o Society is moving backwards towards a partisan period o We must understand the consequences o Reasons for the end of news papers as a party tool Commercial interest Cold war consensus Department stores replaced political party subsidies Toned down opinions because common enemies were a threat Lucas Graves on fact checking o What do fact checkers do Verify accuracy of information in article Recognize errors in articles and immediately investigate Turn mistakes into follow up articles o Make it hard to call out journalists o Link original news sites that publish false info Ex Obama born in Kenya story was result of not fact checking Ex Five people saved from death row because fact checker studied case o Examples of fact checking groups Factchecker com Politifact com Dave Black on Freedom of Speech o Co founder and general manager of WSUM Radio o Federal communications commission FCC Deals with Obscenity Indecency Profanity o Difference between AM FM AM FM Classical music public broadcast Grateful dead rock and roll Better quality Clearer channels o Federal Government can get on the airways whenever they want o Law only applies to broadcast stations Not internet o Obscene broadcasts are prohibited at all times Depict sex conduct in an offensive way defined by applicable law Materials taken as a whole o Indecent broadcast restrictions Patently offensive sexual conduct Doesn t ride to the level of obscenity Can be broadcasted at different odd hours not 6am 10pm o Profane broadcast restrictions FCC profanity includ es language so grossly offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to the amount to a nuisance o 2015 FCC is sifting through input from public broadcast industry about how to proceed FCC chair staff only deal with egregious cases
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