Learning Objectives for Community Psychology Readings for this topic include all of Chapter 16 Remember information in addition to what is on the pages listed will be presented in class for some of the objectives 1 What perspectives and principles define community psychology According to community psychology what causes psychological problems Where is community psychology usually practiced a Community psychology i Environmental forces are at work in creating and maintain abnormal behaviors 1 Societal factors 2 Neighborhood factors 3 Cultural and subcultural factors ii Implications 1 Focus on fit between people and environments 2 Creating of alternatives 3 Differences are desirable 4 Not one standard of competence social norm iii Perspectives 1 1955 Illness 2 1963 a Congress forms Joint Commission on Mental Health and a Prevention b Early detection c Reducing warehousing of patients in mental hospitals iv What causes psychological problems 1 They develop due to an interaction over time between the individual social setting systems organizations these expert a mutual influence on each other v Where is community psychology practiced 1 Not in clinics but in social contexts of interest 2 What historical factors made it possible for community psychology to take root in the united states a 1963 i Federal funding guidelines stated that a community mental health center had to provide five essential services 1 Impatient care 2 Outpatient care 3 Partial hospitalization 4 24 hour emergency services 5 Consultation services b 1965 i Swampscott MA convention 1 Birth of community psychology 2 American Journal Community Psychology 3 APA division created c 1970 s d 1980 s i Expansion of journals ii Community focused textbooks i Reagan Administration 1 Funding cuts 2 Decline and fragmentation 3 Read the two boxes detailing community psychology programs on page 470 of your book What is similar about these approaches What about them strikes you as different from psychotherapy as practiced in a clinic or private practice setting a Clinical Application Focus i High Scope Perry Preschool Program 1 Help children who were deemed at risk for school failure 2 Based on the rationale that childhood poverty leads to school failure a School failure adult poverty and social problems 3 Targeted 3 and 4 year olds form Low SES families ii The JOBS program 1 Focus a Training participants to seek reemployment effectively to avoid depression substance abuse health problems family conflict suicide and financial strain i Behavioral skills interviews Increasing the self confidence of job seekers b c Stress inoculation and training for coping with barriers to reemployment and setbacks iii Similarities 1 Program participants as a group obtained more and better jobs 2 Both programs were cost effective a Significant benefits to society and to the taxpayer iv Difference from clinic private practice setting 1 Resorted only to those in need without the need of payment 2 Mainly for families of Low SES and troubled young children and young adults 4 What are primary secondary and tertiary prevention When does each type of model intervene i e before or after people develop abnormal behaviors and what kinds of projects or programs might attempt each type of prevention i Counteract harmful circumstances before they had a chance to produce 1 Social programs to reduce job discrimination provide housing provide food to poor kids etc a Primary Prevention illness ii Example b Secondary Prevention i Early identification and treatment of mental health problems ii Example 1 Screening lots of children early for symptoms of autism screening for psychotic disorders early intervention programs c Tertiary Prevention i Reduce duration and negative effects of mental disorder after it has occurred enhance independence ii Example 1 Restoring vocational competence independent living programs social skills training 5 How do community psychologists define empowerment and diversity Based on the interventions you read about on page 470 how do you think these concepts play into their practices a Empowerment i Prevention of feeling of powerlessness ii Reduction of abuses iii Removal of exploitation iv Decreasing bias b Diversity i Culture ii Race 1 Norms or traditions that a society or group attempts to pass along to younger generations or to immigrants 1 First was thought as a biological variable 2 Presently viewed as a psychological or social variable based on physical criteria iii Ethnicity 1 2 Concerns one s social identity Influenced by one s ancestry culture of origin or current culture iv Gender Sexual Orientation Ability disability Age Socioeconomic Status SES Religion and Spirituality Learning Objectives for Health Psychology 1 Define the biopsychosocial model How do biological psychological and social elements contribute to mental and physical illness a Biopsychosocial Model i The recognition that both psychological and social influence illness and health interventions 1 How health psychologists conceptualize problems and plan ii Illness and health iii The aggregate of the specific educational scientific and professional contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health the prevention and treatment of illness and the identification of etiologic and diagnostic correlates of health illness and related dysfunction 1 Genetic predisposition nutrient deficiencies and biochemical iv Biological imbalances v Psychological 1 vi Social produce physical problems a Stress i Individuals behaviors emotions and cognitions 2 What are some ways that environmental and social stressors can manifest physically and 1 Friends family members home environment and life events Stress is a process that involves an environmental event stressor its appraisal by the individual is it challenging or threatening the various response of the organism psychological emotional cognitive behavioral and the reevaluation that occur as a result of these responses and changes in the stressor b Cognitive variables i Threat appraisals ii Appraisal of demands and of adaptive capacities iii Appraisal of coping abilities c Behavioral variables i Typical coping strategies d Psychological Dimensions of Stress i Personality features 1 Can impact our appraisals of threat 2 Can lead to unhealthy behavior 3 May affect disease through psychological mechanisms 4 Example a Type A personality linked to CHD ii Sympathetic Nervous System SNS fight or flight 1
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