Chapter 1 1 Describe key contributions of Witmer to Clinical Psychology He was the first to coin the term Clinical Psychology He created the first psychological clinic He is known as the Father of Psychology The idea that scientific psychology in its rigorous experimental sense can be useful in helping people A commitment that clinical psychology should be highly research oriented and closely allied with basic psychology 2 Describe the Manifesto for a Science of Clinical Psychology Scientific clinical psychology is the only legitimate and acceptable form of clinical psychology Psychological services should not be delivered to the public except under strict experimental control until they meet four criteria The exact service is described clearly The claimed benefits of the service are stated explicitly The claimed benefits are validated scientifically The positive effects of the service are shown to outweigh its possible negative effects The primary and overriding objective of doctoral training programs in clinical psychology must be to produce the most competent clinical scientists possible 3 Describe some of the Challenges for Clinical Psychology in the Future Maintaining the Link Between Science and Practice Should Psychologists Prescribe Psychoactive Medication Functioning in a Diverse Society How Many Clinical Psychologists Do We Need Managed Care and the Health Care Industry 4 Describe some of the basic differences between a psychologist and psychiatrist What Clinical Psychologists Do Research Teaching Assessment Treatment psychotherapy Prevention Consultation Administration 5 Describe the following tasks of a clinical psychologist Four tasks Description What the problem is Explanation Why did it happen Prediction What the course of the problem will be if left untreated Change How the course and outcome can be changed Chapter 2 1 Describe the importance of the following individual s ideas Meehl statistical prediction better than clinical judgment he theorized that clinicians would make more mistakes than a mechanical prediction tool created for a similar decision purpose Hans Eysenck argued that there was no evidence that therapy was any more effective than no treatment Wundt which German philosopher studied perception and behavior in a lab and is father of experimental psych founding figure of modern psych Sir Francis Galton Interested in heritability of intelligence He believed than physical characteristics which are inherited such as head size would be related to intellect Mesmer he is credited with having invented hypnotism animal magnetism and his name is the root of the verb mesmerize Freud most famous proponent of psychogenesis and father of psychoanalytic theory Known for theories of the unconscious mind defense mechanisms of repression While of significant historical interest many of Freud s ideas have fallen out of favor or have been modified by Neo Freudians In clinical practice Freud s methods and ideas remain important in psychodynamic approaches In the academy his ideas continue to be influential in the humanities and some social sciences Aaron Beck Most influential of theories developed cognitive therapy out of his clinical experience with depressed patients His observations led him to consider the importance of negative cognitions in depression He argued that depression was not a disorder of emotion but rather of thought Beck s Negative Triad view of self the world and the future James Catell sensory motor functioning Interested in sensory motor functioning He invented various apparatus for measuring reaction time in experimental psychology studies Cattell is best known for identifying the dimensions of personality he also studied basic dimensions of other domains intelligence motivation and vocational interests Cattell theorized the existence of fluid and crystallized intelligences to explain human cognitive ability 2 What was the Shakow Report 1947 Training in clinical psychology was expected to produce professionals who are able to conduct research assessment and psychotherapy Clinical psychologists should receive four years of training at the doctoral i e Ph D level including supervised practicum experiences psychodynamics of behavior diagnostic methods research methods and therapy Third year of training should consist of placement at an internship site Final year of training should be devoted to dissertation related activities Curriculum should include general psychology related disciplines Master s level training should be discontinued 3 What were the key ideas put forth by Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Boulder Conference 1949 The first national training conference on clinical psychology was held during 1949 in Boulder Colorado The Boulder conference was a milestone for several reasons First it established the PhD as the required degree as in other academic fields To this day all Boulder model programs in clinical psychology award the PhD degree Second the conference reinforced the idea that the appropriate location for training was within a university department not a separate school or institute as in medicine and dentistry And third clinical psychologists were trained to be scientist practitioners prepared for work in both the academic world and the practice world Chicago Conference 1965 Led to first Psy D program in 1968 1965 Chicago Conference the first proposal to establish purely professional training programs is made due to the need for more psychological service providers The Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Foster the training of students for careers in clinical science research who 1 skillfully will produce and apply scientific knowledge Advance the full range of clinical science research and theory and their 2 integration with other relevant sciences Foster the development of and access to resources and opportunities for 3 training research funding and careers in clinical science Foster the broad application of clinical science to human problems in 4 responsible and innovative ways Foster the timely dissemination of clinical science to policy making 5 groups psychologists and other scientists practitioners and consumers Chapter 3 Researchdesign 1 Describe each of the following Single Case Designs Set of methods developed in behavioral psychology to study individuals cases in a controlled manner Descriptive Research Designs epidemiological research incidence prevalence human characteristics or disorders in a
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