SPC3210 EXAM 1 Study Guide 1 CHAPTER 1 Key Terms SSEPM Communication is a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment Social Involving people and interaction either face to face or online Normally involves two people who act as senders and receivers Symbol A label for an object or a representation of phenomena Concrete Symbols represent objects chair and Abstract Symbols represent ideas thoughts love Environment The situation or context in which the communication occurs Time place historical period relationship and people s backgrounds and views Process No beginning end an ongoing never ending occurrence We are always communicating even if it is non verbal Meaning Adaptive what people extract from a message Linear Model of Communication One way view of communication the source sends a message to a receiver through an auditory channel Key elements Source Speaker Message Verbal nonverbal Receiver Listener Channel Pathway to the senses visual olfactory auditory or technological channels Communication also involves noise anything not intended by the source that affects how messages are received Types of noise Semantic A lack of understanding Physical Leaf blower outside everyday noise Physiological Don t feel well body is telling you you re sick Psychological The little voice inside your head Communication as an Interaction A person can only be a sender OR a receiver It is a circular process People have to perform either the role of sender OR receiver during communication Key elements 2 Feedback The response to a message Verbal or nonverbal 88 is nonverbal Field of Experience A person s background and all of their experiences Communication overlaps fields of experiences This is how all conversations start Communication as Transaction It considers the simultaneous nature of communication The sender and receiver are mutually responsible for how effective the conversation is All communication is past present and future It is simultaneous All communicators play roles All messages influences each other and build upon each other Focuses on verbal and nonverbal elements of communication Says that we can but simultaneously send and receive messages Ethics and Communication Ethics Perceived rightness or wrongness of an action or behavior some suggestions from philosophy The way we ought to live Socrates Ethics create a framework in which to make decisions about ethical behavior When things impact a person there is an ethical consideration Theory Why should we care Fosters critical thinking skills Aids in understanding the scope of research Helps us understand our own life experiences Essential to becoming aware of who we are and how we function in the world CHAPTER 2 Intellectual Traditions are what guide our approach to the study of communication Robert Craig believed that separating the studies of different traditions would make it easier to understand their complex natures These traditions can often overlap with each other The Rhetorical Tradition Talk as a practical art Focuses on most types of public speaking The rhetorical tradition necessarily involves elements pertaining to language and the audience Topics within Rhetoric Persuasion Effect of emotion on the audience How audiences are affected by mass media appeals The Semiotic Tradition The study of signs focus on meaning making Meaning is achieved when a common language is created and shared among the people 3 Topics within Semiotic How words change as the people using them change Multiple meanings associated with words and how they come about Use of words with racial types The Phenomenological Tradition A personal interpretation of everyday life activities Looks at a message or situation from a personal perspective Works to eliminate biases or personal beliefs to uncover the authenticity of a message Topics within Phenomenological How people with different backgrounds interpret a message How gender difference impacts communicative style The Cybernetic Tradition The study of communication as an information science system Looks at the broader systematic nature of communication as a process and focuses on elements within that process Focuses on what noise is going on and how it interferes with a message How technical ability influences communication in computer mediated situations The Socio Psychological Tradition How interactions with people affect us psychologically throwing softball story Seeks to understand the causes of behavior as a result of an aspect of communication Focuses on underlying relationships why some people are confident and other are shy Topics within Socio Psychological How message construction influences recall of a message How our entertainment choice influences our moods The Socio Cultural Tradition Looking at cultures and social structures and how those influence communication How exisiting shared culture and social structures which are already in place influence communication Scholars here advocate indiviuals points of view Topics within Socio Culteral Studying the development of cliques in schools Breaking patterns of communication to highlight individual experiences in the communication process The Critical Tradition Focuses on social order and how it negatively impacts society challenging the power Seeks to expose the underlying beliefs and values within a society that impact decision making and actions The impact of media ownership and how it impacts on entertainment choices that we Topics within Critical view How the environment is used to drive consumerism 7 Contexts within Communication 4 A context is the environment in which some type of communication takes place Contexts are limited by several factors The number of people involved The space between those people The type of feedback available The channels of communication that exist within the environment Types of Context IntRApersonal Communication with oneself o How we make sense of our actions and ourselves IntERpersonal Communication with another person o How we form and maintain relationships with others Small Group Communication with more than one person 3 5 o How a small group forms and functions Organizational Communication in and among a larger often extended environment o How an organization functions as an entity the variety of relationships inside of it and types of communication that occurs within patterns within a school Chain of command hierarchy Public Rhetorical
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