Essential Elements of Biochemistry BCHM 3050 Dr Srikripa Chandrasekaran Lecture 4 10 15 Notes Aerobic Respiration The Citric Acid Cycle continued I II III Amphibolic Nature of the TCA Cycle A For every molecule of glucose the cycle will go through twice B The main point of the Kreb s cycle is to break down glucose and obtain energy ATP C Oxaloacetate is an important regulated substance D Pyruvate accepts a carbon atom when forming oxaloacetate because pyruvate has 3 carbon atoms and oxaloacetate has 4 carbon atoms Summary of TCA Cycle Regulation A Green stimulators activators B Red inhibitors Cumulative Summary for Glycolysis TCA Cycle A At the end of the Kreb s cycle stating with 1 glucose molecule you get 10 NADH 2 FADH2 4 ATP 6 CO2 1 Respiratory Electron Transport I II III IV V VI Cu Fe Redox Reactions A Cooper loses an electron gets oxidized and gains a positive charge B Iron is getting reduced accepting an electron and getting a negative charge Oxidation of Malate to Form Oxaloacetate A Malate is getting oxidized to oxaloacetate B NAD is reduced to NADH Significance of Reduction Potential A High reduction potential high ability to get reduced by attracting electrons B Giving up electrons lower reduction potential Standard Reduction Potentials of Some Biologically Relevant Redox Reactions A Fluorine has the highest reduction potential B Don t have to memorize these numbers but know them relative to one another if given 3 be able to put them in order from highest to lowest Review of Mitochondrial Ultrastructure A The TCA cycle happens in the matrix Positioning of Four Complexes in Cristae Membrane A The electrons will come from NADH and FADH2 B The electrons will flow through these complexes and they will be accepted at the end 2
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