White Privilege McIntosh Multicultural Film Final Study Guide McIntosh acknowledges interlocking factors in regards to power dominance Religion social status economic status gender and geographical location White people have been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage but not taught the corollary aspect white privilege which puts whites at an advantage Racism is viewed as active individual acts rather than invisible systems of racial dominance Examples of white privileges a People of your race are widely represented in the media b You are shown that people of your color made the nation what it is c You can count on your race not to work against your financial reliability when using checks credit cards or cash d You are able to swear wear second hand clothing and not respond to letters without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals the poverty or the illiteracy of your race e You can speak in public without putting your race on trial f You can criticize the government without being seen as a cultural outsider Difference between earned strength and unearned power Power for unearned privilege can appear as strength but it is actually permission to escape or dominate Film School Generation Audiences received education through a variety of films They discovered the American sounds films of John Ford It was through this that they obtained their own sense of cinematic heritage The French Five Watched films and talked argued about them Wrote passionately about films in Cinema Notebook film journal New Wave Explosion of films by first time directors This was a new form of apprenticeship It combined genres high and low films woven into a new cinematic tapestry The Auteur Theory Directors as Stars Andrew Sarris The American Cinema 1968 Directors are authors of motion picture Encouraged Americans to look at their cinema Infatuation of the French Five with American directors makes America research into current past Hollywood products a necessity The rise of film schools Collapse of the studio system brought new talent to Hollywood Film became a component of liberal arts Created a generation of film smart moviegoers Roger Corman School Roger Corman produced and directed cheaply made horror films Westerns and motorcycle and gangster pictures Master of exploitation films that were cheaply made for all genres Notable directors Hopper Bogdanovich Coppola and Allen These prot g s causes a shift in Hollywood films Exploitation The low subject subjects got big budget treatment which lead to blatant exploitation Pastiche the imitation of a unique style or content of earlier works that lack any trace of satire or parody De Palma uses this style not speaking directly to the audience but rather communicating through Hitchcock The Brat Pack A new generation of actors semi tough teens who band together in packs and who would prove to upstage and outgross at the box office the earlier generation of directions the movie brats By the later 1980s the members who initially represented the rise of a new movement in the group performance of ensemble non star acting had become individual stars performing in vehicles designed specifically for them The Star System Belton refers to the star system as the way in which some actors are made into stars in order to play an economic role in the film industry Stars are commodities that the film industry sells to the viewers however the stars hold the power Stars are able to save studios by holding the attention of millions of people through other forms of media John Ford John Ford was an American film director known for his Westerns and adaptations of classic 20th century novels In his 50 year career he directed more than 140 films and is regard as one of the most important and influential film makes of his generation Personality Ford was renowned for his intense personality and many eccentricities He always wore dark glasses and an eye patch over his left eye which was only partly to protect his poor eyesight He was a pipe smoke and while he was shooting he would chew on a linen handkerchief Film style dramatic vistas He preferred static medium or long shots with his players framed against Recurring visual motifs in his Westerns include trains and wagons as well as the throwing of objects and the lighting of lamps matches or cigarettes Marx The Destructive Power of Money Humanity has a natural and healthy relationship with the objects we produce and the services we perform These products complement each other Effect of the Introduction of Money and Private Property Property and labor are externalized Results in division and disruption of reality Money becomes God On an individual level you are judged by your wealth and your value is reduced to your net worth Marx asserts that money is the visible deity the transformation of all human and natural qualities into their opposites the universal confusion and inversion of things it brings incompatibles into fraternity it is the universal whore the universal pander between men and nations The Effect of Money Things that can be bought with money define who you are Marx s view on money 1 Money is both a deity and a universal whore 2 Money changes the truth i e can make an ugly man beautiful 3 Money is a destructive power New vs Old Paradigm of Sexual Orientation Garnets Old Paradigm New Paradigm Rigid Categories homosexual and heterosexual Sexual behavior as the defining fantasies emotional feature of orientation Flexible and fluid allowing diverse and multifaceted attractions Encompasses sexual behavior attchment self identification and relationship status Exceptions are common Sexual orientation is fluid and changeable Congruence among sexual identity behavior and desire Sexual orientation is enduring forming at an early age it is fixed and unchanging Queer Moments Ahmed Queers moments are not about the conversion of shame into pride but about the enjoyment of the negativity of shame and that which is designed as shameful by the normative culture Moments which position queer subjects as failed in their failure to live up to the heterosexual narration Queer subjects feel tired of making corrections to heterosexual assumptions like do you have a boyfriend to a girl These moments can be experienced as bodily injury Globalization Giroux Global changes provide the conditions for the emergence of new theoretical discourse that challenge modern assumptions regarding nationalism and culture
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