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The Self Lecture 13 1 What makes something part of the self The self is a broad term that encompasses the parts of human behavior that require or are altered by self reflection Self concept Self esteem Who am I Am I good or bad 2 What is self concept When do the various parts of self concept develop a b c a b c d e Self concept i Basis for self understanding ii Answer to question Who am I Infant Basic self awareness of own body Age 2 3 Recognize own gender and age i Self concept expands to include family Ages 3 4 Self concept based on developing abilities Ages 5 6 i Social comparison 1 Who do I do 2 What do others do ii Private self concept 3 What is one way to test if a child or ape has self awareness 1 Learn to keep secrets and lie a Having them look in a mirror and see if they recognize themselves or a red dot on their forehead b After a certain age they recognize themselves 18 months 2 years old 4 What is theory of mind and how can we test if a child has developed theory of mind understanding that others may have different perspectives and want different things than you do a Theory of mind 5 What is a self schema Self schema a abstract knowledge structure about the self 6 What is self complexity How does self complexity affect how people cope with negative events extent to which self schemas are differentiated and compartmentalized Self complexity Low self complexity simple way of describing themselves straightforward a b c More complex self schema different self schemas for school friends hobbies etc d When you face failure it is better to have high self complexity if one part of you fails it s not your whole identity e When you have to make a decision it is better to have low self complexity 7 What is self discrepancy theory What are ought selves and ideals selves a b Actual self Ideal self what you are what you want to be i Paying attention to opportunities ii Promotion focus iii Achievement pleasure c Ought self what you think others want you to be i Paying attention to avoiding harm shame punishment etc ii Prevention focus iii Achievement relief 8 What emotion do people feel when they achieve an actual self that matches their ought self Or an actual self that matches their ideal self what you want to be what you feel like you re supposed to become driven by parents and society Ideal self a b Ought self c Whichever one you focus on effects motivational patterns d e Promotion focus Prevention focus attend class study some less motivating focus on ideal self and all the things that help you attain your goal better goal attainment more motivation focus on your ought self avoiding a negative outcome slightly different outcome avoiding failing a class 9 Know what self esteem is and what it s not a What self esteem is How you FEEL about yourself b What self esteem is not i Your beliefs about how capable you are ii Necessarily a reflection of reality 1 10 Know the differences between various kinds of self esteem a State vs trait i State self esteem ii Trait self esteem how a person feels about themselves at a particular moment in time how a person feels about themselves b Global vs specific i Global ii Specific how you feel about yourself in general across domains how you feel about yourself in a specific domain 11 Overall what is the relationship between self esteem and positive life outcomes Specifically what relationship was found between achievement and performance in the study of 3rd and 6th graders academic achievement Time 1 measured grades measured self esteem A year later measure grades and self esteem a b c What they found high grades time 1 predicted high self esteem time 2 d Having high self esteem didn t lead to high grades in time 2 e Self esteem tends to cause good outcomes 12 What are three potential issues with concluding that increasing a person s self esteem would lead to positive outcomes a b c 1 self report 2 causality they thought there was a causal relationship but it could be having good outcomes could lead to high self esteem 3 not a lot of people have truly low self esteem maybe something else is leading to these problems people have average positive life outcomes or high self esteem i Even if truly low self esteem does cause negative outcomes it s not a common problem 13 How does self esteem relate to initiative and responses to failure a High self esteem really predicts Initiative i ii Trying again after failure iii lack of eating disorders iv Having sex at an earlier age self esteem a Terror Management Theory 14 Understand the three theories of self esteem that were covered in class What are the theories What does each theory have to say about i Awareness of our own mortality existential anguish ii We cope this through believing that we are individuals of value in a culture that will continue after we die iii Self esteem is A way for us to cope with the fact of our own mortality b Sociometer Theory i We have a fundamental need to belong ii Self esteem measures your belongingness iii Self esteem is A gauge of how well you are getting along with others c Self determination Theory 3 Needs 1 Competence Feeling like you are able to effectively deal with the environment 2 Relatedness Being connected to others 3 Autonomy Being able to be the casual agent in your own life ii Self Esteem is A reflection of the extent to which we feel competent related and autonomous From the book pages 321 328 information bottom of page 322 15 What were the results of the study done by Hazel Markus on how people respond to self relevant information versus non self relevant a b c d Students classified as having strong independence schema strong dependence schema or aschematic having neither Adjectives presented on a screen i Either schema relevant independent or dependent or schema irrelevant creativity Label either ME or NOT ME Those students whose self schemas underscored dependence showed faster reaction times in response to dependent adjectives than they did to schema inconsistent independent adjectives and schema irrelevant adjectives e Dependent schemas were accustomed to thinking of themselves as conforming obliging and so on and could therefore make these judgements more quickly 2 f g Independent schematics showed a similar pattern of results with faster reaction times to independent adjectives Aschematics did not differ at all in their processing times for dependent and independent words i Appeared not to have defined themselves with respect to independence and to

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FSU CLP 3305 - The Self (Lecture 13)

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