Study Questions for Exam 3 Omit the red questions for examination purposes 1 Know the equations for respiration and the carbonic anhydrase shift Know the CO2 O2 shuttle system that defines how CO2 is transported from working tissues to the lungs and how O2 is transported from the lungs to working tissues Carbonic Anhydrase Shift Equation Acidic environment can decrease O2 carrying capacity of hemoglobin and also decrease general enzyme activity H2CO3 Carbonic Anhydrase Reversible Bicarbonate used as pH buffer O2 Shuttle System 1 5 physically dissolved 98 5 HbO2 Decrease the solubility in fluids Highly energetic tissues need a lot of O2 CO2 Shuttle System Carbon dioxide has the ability to attach to hemoglobin molecules it will be removed from the body once they become dissociated from one another In the bicarbonate buffer system the most common form of carbon dioxide transportation in the blood carbon dioxide is finally expelled from the body through the lungs during exhalation Importantly the bicarbonate buffer system allows little change to the pH of the body system it allows for people to travel and live at high altitudes because the system can adjust itself to regulate carbon dioxide while maintaining the correct pH in the body 10 Physically dissolved 30 HbCO2 60 Bicarbonate HCO3 2 What are the chemical properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide that require these gases to be transported What is the structure of the key vertebrate respiratory pigment where do the gases attach to the molecule and how does the molecule change configuration when it is saturated Know the difference between oxyhemo globin carbaminohemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin In what form are O2 and CO2 transported Cells need oxygen to make ATP ATP is needed for cellular work CO2 is a waste product that must be removed from body o CO2 diffuses out of tissues into blood where it is dissolved into plasma o Most CO2 diffuses into RBCs o Some CO2 binds to hemoglobin to form something called Carbaminohemoglobin o Most CO2 is converted to bicarbonate and hydrogen ions CARBONIC ANHYDRASE EQUATION o Bicarbonate used as pH buffer o Hydrogen ions resulting from CA equation bind to hemoglobin to trigger the release of O2 which is then used to enter cells and make ATP Key Vertebrate Respiratory Pigment molecule that increases oxygen carrying capacity in humans hemoglobin Bind O2 Bind CO2 and H Carry increased concentration of gases via blood stream 4 O2 molecules per hemoglobin Polypeptide chains are binding CO2 4 polypeptide chains 2 alpha 2 beta single change in polypeptide chain valine for glutamine If all hemes are bound Hb is saturated sickle cell anemia Packaged into RBC s Hb o Rbcs are anuclear o Hydrodynamically good carriers of hb o Easy to circulate thin o Only function to carry oxygen Oxyhemoglobin Hemoglobin Oxygen Carbaminohemoglobin Hemoglobin Carbon Dioxide Carboxyhemoglobin Hemoglobin Carboxyl CO CO2 transportation o 10 Physically dissolved o 30 HbCO2 o 60 Bicarbonate HCO3 O2 transportation o 1 5 physically dissolved o 98 5 HbO2 3 What determines whether Hb will bind or dissociate with a gas molecule and how does it determine which gas For this answer think about the Haldene Effect partial pressure and the sigmoid kinetics of oxygen hemoglobin affinity a Cooperactivity is easier for subsequent O2 to bind once one molecule of O2 binds on heme it b Reduced Hb always has higher affinity for CO2 O2 c Haldene Effect unloading O2 facilitates Hb pickup of CO2 and CO2 generated H d Partial pressure moves down the concentration diffusional gradient from i Air lungs blood tissues 4 How would one calculate the PP for a given gas given the total atmospheric pressure What is the average PP for oxygen in the pulmonary capillaries In the systemic capillaries At half saturation How is PP related to Hb oxygen saturation describe properties of the sigmoid curve a Partial Pressure Gas Total Atmospheric Pressure b Average PP for O2 in the pulmonary capillaries 100mmHg c In the systemic capillaries 40mmHg d Half saturation 34mmHg e The relation between saturation of Hb oxygen experiences a positive sigmoid s curve as partial pressure of oxygen increases positive correlation 5 What is the Bohr Effect How does the kinetics affinity of Hb for oxygen change if there are changes in PP CO2 pH temperature 2 3 DPG CO poisoning or changes in breathing ventilation Make sure that you can identify which of these conditions would force oxygen to dissociate sooner than normal and which would force oxygen to be retained longer than normal Does this assist gas exchange Why or why not a Bohr Effect The influence of CO2 and acid on the release of O2 Both CO2 and the hydrogen ion H component of acids can combine reversibly with Hb at sites other than the O2 binding sites The result is a change shift in the molecular structure of Hb that reduces its affinity for O2 b Shift of P50 left retain O2 longer smaller p50 value c Shift of P50 right dump O2 sooner larger p50 value Increased pH i Decreased acidity alkalinity ii iii Decreased ppCO2 iv Decreased temperature v Decreased 2 3 DPG vi Hyperventilation Increased acidity i ii Decreased pH iii iv v vi Hypoventilation vii Active glycolysis of 2 3 DPG Increased ppCO2 Increased temperature Increased 2 3 DPG d The Hb saturation decreases when CO2 and H bind with Hb because their presence on Hb facilitates increased release of O2 from Hb e 2 3 BPG this erythrocyte constituent which is produced during rbc metabolism can bind reversible with hb and reduce its affinity for O2 just as CO2 and H do Thus an increased level of BPG like other factiors shifts the O2 Hb curve to the right enhancing O2 unloading as the blood flows through the tissues f Hemoglobin has a much higher affinity for carbon monoxide CO than for O2 in this competition CO can cause people to suffocate from O2 deprivation due to higher affinity of Hb 6 What are the anatomical components and functions of the conducting zone versus the respiratory zone of the lungs Where is the only true location for gas exchange in the lungs a Conducting Zone i Nasal Passages Respiratiory cilia ii Pharynx Air Food iii Trachea Airpipe iv Larynx Vocal Cords v Left Right bronchi lung proper beginning of vi Bronchioles progressive branching b Respiratory Zone i Alveoli sac only true location to have gas branching exchange 7 How does Boyle s Law and the movement of the diaphragm and related muscles surrounding the pleural cavity explain the act of breathing in terms
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