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Chapter 9 Questions Synapses en passant refers to the fact that postganglionic autonomic neurons release neurotransmitter along the length of the axon All of the following molecules are considered nonadrenergic noncholinergic neurotransmitters produced by postganglionic autonomic axons except All of the following molecules are considered nonadrenergic noncholinergic neurotransmitters produced by postganglionic autonomic axons except acetylcholine Catecholamines are derived from tyrosine Drugs that help asthmatics breathe better by opening or dilating bronchioles would be classified as beta 2 agonists If cocaine blocks the reuptake of catecholamines it would be considered a sympathetic agonist In general parasympathetic activation will produce effects that are to those produced by activation of sympathetic neurons antagonistic Stimulation of which of the following would cause an increase in heart rate and contraction strength Stimulation of which of the following would cause an increase in heart rate and contraction strength beta 1 receptors The fight or flight response is the term used to describe activation of the sympathetic division The brain area that most directly controls the activity of the autonomic nervous system is the medulla oblongata The effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation on the urinary and reproductive systems causing the male erection and ejaculation for example are called cooperative The effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation of the salivary glands are called complementary The separate effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the pacemaker region of the heart can best be described as antagonistic The very long cranial nerve that originates from the nuclei in the medulla oblongata and projects preganglionic fibers through the neck to the thoracic and abdominal cavities is the nerve vagus X Which of the following cranial nerves does not contain preganglionic parasympathetic fibers optic II Which of the following ganglia is not a collateral ganglion cervical Which of the following releases a catecholamine as a neurotransmitter postganglionic sympathetic fibers Which of the following statements about parasympathetic neurons is true They synapse in terminal ganglia either next to or within the organs innervated Which of the following statements does not describe denervation hypersensitivity Autonomic target tissues become more sensitive than normal to stimulating agents Which of the following target tissues does not receive dual innervation most blood vessels Which of the following target tissues is innervated by only neurons from the sympathetic nervous system adrenal medulla Epinephrine released from the adrenal medulla may stimulate target receptors for a longer period of time than norepinephrine released from neurons Why may this be There are no enzymes in the bloodstream to deactivate epinephrine and norepinephrine One important difference between autonomic neurons and somatic neurons is the presence of varicosities Somatic motor neurons have cell bodies located the CNS that project axons only to and are usually under control inside skeletal muscle voluntary Stimulation of which of the following receptors would most likely decrease glandular secretions within the GI tract muscarinic M3 M4 Targets of the autonomic nervous system include all of the following except skeletal muscle The drug muscarine derived from some poisonous mushrooms stimulates all of the following cholinergic receptors except those receptors in the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle fibers When a preganglionic neuron innervates several postganglionic neurons it is called divergence When the parasympathetic division is stimulated what neurotransmitter is released at the effector organ acetylcholine Which of the following is innervated by postganlionic fibers arising from the cervical ganglia the eyes Which statement regarding autonomic parasympathetic neurons is true They emerge from the brain and sacral regions selectively stimulates a2 receptors in brain neurons thereby suppressing sympathoadrenal activation and lowering blood pressure Clonidine fibers have relatively slower nerve conduction because they are thin and unmyelinated Postganglionic autonomic sympathetic ganglia are associated with the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system Terminal is a muscarinic antagonist derived from the nightshade plant Atropine is released by most postganglionic sympathetic nerves Norepinephrine A defect in nitric oxide synthetase gene may result in reduced of cerebral arteries since nitric oxide production would be impaired vasodilation All adrenergic receptors act via G proteins Alpha 1 adrenergic receptors are mediated by Ca2 Atropine would block constriction of the pupil Autonomic motor nerves do NOT innervate skeletal muscle Blocking 2 adrenergic receptors prevents airway dilation Blood flow to skeletal muscle would be in response to muscarinic antagonists decreased Bradykinin stimulates surface blood vessel dilation Alpha2 adrenergic receptors on presynaptic axon terminals when stimulated cause decreased release of norepinephrine Bright light would stimulate regulation of pupil diameter through nerves parasympathetic Cocaine acts as a sympathomimetic drug because it blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine Cocaine is a an drug meaning that it promotes sympathetic nerve effects sympathomimetic Cutaneous effectors such as blood vessels sweat glands and errector pili muscles are innervated by only sympathetic nerves Damage to the nerve would inhibit salivary production facial Damage to the autonomic motor nerves would probably result in no change in muscle tone Damage to the terminal ganglia would have the greatest effect on parasympathetic motor nerves Epinephrine is a sympathomimetic hormone From where do parasympathetic preganglionic neurons originate brainstem and sacral region of the spinal cord Goose bumps would occur in response to an adrenergic agonist Intracellular Ca2 is elevated if norepinephrine binds to a n receptor alpha 1 adrenergic M2 receptors in the heart decrease heart rate Muscarinic antagonists stimulate pupillary diameter increased Neural crest cells form both the adrenal medulla and postganglionic sympathetic nerves Nitric oxide is made when Ca2 influx into the axon terminal indirectly activates nitric oxide synthetase which forms nitric oxide from the amino acid L arginine Nonshivering thermogenesis

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