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I Functions and Components of the Circulatory System Ch 12 Lecture 1 a Two systems i Systemic ii Pulmonary b Transportation c Regulation i Hormones ii Temperature i We transport O2 CO2 ii Nutrient Transport iii Waste products from metabolism 1 Regulation of blood flow to the skin dilation constriction d Protection i Blood Clotting protection ii Immune system functions We won t get into detail in this II Components a Cardiovascular System i Blood Vessels 1 Away Arteries oxygenated 2 Towards Heart Veins 3 Arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins ii Heart 4 chambered pump b Lymphatic System i Fluid for interstitial space ii Helps protect from foreign invaders iii Lymphatic vessels lymphoid tissues lymphatic organs III Composition of the Blood a Plasma Fluid Part i Full of proteins 1 Primary is Albumin a Creats osmotic oncotic pressure b Helps keep most water from going into interstitial space c Maintains Blood Volume 2 Globulins a Carry lipids and fat soluble vitamins b Gamma Globulins ANTIBODIES 3 Fibrinogen a Helps in clotting after it transforms to fibrin b Buffy Coat c Formed Elements i Mostly red blood Cells 1 Erythrocytes a Primary function is transport of O2 and CO2 30 b No Nuclei or mitochondria only cells in body that don t use Oxygen c Only live 120 days d Contain hemoglobin which binds the oxygen some CO2 and also acts as a pH buffer by binding Hydrogen ions e Transferrin Recycles iron from dead erythrocytes 2 Leukocytes a Do have Nuclei and mitochondria b Granular Neutrophils eosinophils basophils of cell d Cell Formation i Hematopoiesis c Aggranular Monocytes and lymphocytes 3 Platelets a Smallest b No Nuclei c Short Life span 5 9 days d Clot blood using fibrinogen 4 Don t worry about that big chart just basic functions of each type 1 Leukopoiesis White blood cell formation a Red bone marrow and lymphoid tissues b Regulated by cytokines 2 Erythropoiesis RBCs a Erythropoieten i Regulated by Kidneys ii When O2 levels are low erythropoietin production is increased iii Major component of athletic blood doping AKA Epo b Hepcidin i Secreted by the liver regulation of iron metabolism c Don t need to know the diagram e Blood Typing i Antigens are on the surface of RBC 1 Helps immune system recognize self cells ii Antibodies secreted by lymphocytes in response to foreign cells 1 People in more populated areas have a more primed immune system iii ABO System uses anthigens on the erythrocyte cell surfaces 1 Type A has A antigen 2 Type AB Has A and B Antigen 3 Type O Has no antigen 4 When you have a transfusion reaction you make antibodies against foreign antigens a If a person receives the wrong blood type antibodies bind to erythrocytes and cause agglutination b Also important in tissue typing for transplants 5 Rh Factor a AKA Antigen D b People who are Rh Have the antigen people without it are c Important in pregnancy i If you have a mom and a baby can cause erythroblastosis fetalis as the mother s immune system attacks the babie s RBC not always death but often results in a very anemic baby 1 Often happens for the second baby once the immune response has been built up ii Solution OB can give Rho gam which is an antibody against the Rh factor Binds the antibody before it can attack the baby blood f Blood Clotting i Hemostasis 1 This is super complicated so the details aren t important 2 Stopping cessation of bleeding when the blood vessel is damaged 3 Damage of the vessel causes the collagen fibers to be exposed to blood Produces a Vasoconstriction b Formation of Platlet Plug i Platelets bind to the collagen ii Held in place by the Von Willebrand Factor iii Platelets recruit more platelets and form plug by secreting 1 ADP stickiness Serotonin Vasoconstriction Thromboxane A Sticky and Vasoconstriction c Formation of Fibrin Protein Web i Fibrinogen fibrin 1 Intrinsic Extrinsic Pathway 2 Intrinsic Activated by collagen exposure factor XII activates other clotting factors don t memorize a Next calcium and phospholibpids convert prothrombin to thrombin which converts fibrinogen to fibrin know what thrombin is for sure 3 Extrinsic a Initiated by a tissue factor and is a more direct pathway b Probably the major pathway 4 Vitamin K is needed for both factors 5 Don t memorize that crazy diagram Things to know a Intrinsic pathway Exposure to collagen You don t need a blood vessel for this to happen Mostly negative charge and that s why it s intrinsic Calcium and Phospholipids are very important b Extrinsic Pathway Active tissue factor causes a bunch of activation and Calcium and Phospholipids used again c Common Pathway also uses Calcium and Phospholipids d End of common is Prothrombin Thrombin and Fibrinogen Fibrin which finally makes the fibrin polymer responsible for clotting e Don t worry about the chart either 4 In healthy blood vessels you want to avoid clotting by a Secreting prostacyclin and Nitric Oxide to promote i Vasodilation ii Inhibition of platelet aggregation b Secretion of CD39 which i Helps with stickiness of platelets ii Converts ADP to AMP because ADP triggers platelet stickiness 5 Anticoagulants a Clotting can be prevented with certain drugs i Calcium Chelators binds and inhibits calcium ii Heparin blocks thrombin iii Coumarin inhibits Vitamin K iv Asprin Stops prostaglandin production b You can develop clotting disorders too

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