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NEUROCHEMISTRY Serotonin anxiety and depression slides 32 60 on 9 23 14 Depression has a high rate probability of inheritance expressed as an inherited deficiency in brain protein p 11 Parkinsons patients tend to be depressed due to reduced serotonin self report of anxiety is proportional to anxiety that parents have inherited 5 HT1A correlates greatly to the self report of spirituality The fewer receptors you have the more religious you were with less receptors you are more anxious when more anxious people search for other alternatives which is why they turn to spirituality serotonin is inactivated by reuptake as well as dopamine if they can t be reuptaken they accumulate reuptake inhibitor makes a powerful feeling of euphoria i e cocaine almost all interneurons pretty much everywhere in the brain drugs that potentiate enhance GABA turn you off i e muscle relaxers valium lunesta xanax GABA turns off neurons amino acids functions in the inhibition GLUTAMATE interchangeable with gaba by a co2 molecule simple amino acid manages neuroplasticity excitatory neuroplastic your entire life during development you need glutamate to learn used in pruning to kill neurons that you don t use doubles as a neurotoxin overabundance of glutamate epilepsy seizure activity GABA keeps glutamate in check plasticity you can actually learn to be in chronic pain drug tolerant protein dysbindin lives in glutamate schizophrenia is a prob with the wiring and amounts of glutamate if you were to block the function of glutamate like when people take PCP angel dust you can induce induce schizophrenic behaviors the blockage of glutamate could be why people seem to have schizophrenic behaviors but don t actually have schizophrenia DOPAMINE main reward system projects to frontal lobes and motor system only projects to the front of the brain made from components of diet tyrosine why it innervates the motor system when you see something your frontal lobe says you want you go towards it everything that is rewarding starts with dopamine medial prefrontal cortex is where you first feel happy feelings of dopamine nucleus accumbens is involved in moving you forward i e I m going to take another piece of cake impulsivity linked to eating disorders brain is trained to eat it if its in front of you because of evolution prefrontal cortex is where you tell your basal ganglia to stop taking it frontal lobe doesn t fully myelate until around 25 makes us more impulsive basically the conversation you re having with yourself in terms of impulsivity verses control cocaine and dopamine cocaine blocks the reuptake creates a euphoria gender differences men tend to be more impulsive and more addicted to the compounds than women are the only way these drugs can work is if the molecules look exactly like the transmitters of the area it is affecting

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