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HUM 3321 Final Study Guide You need to know the characters names from the movies on the syllabus since the midterm You also will need to recall information points not names though from the clips shown in class from Battle Ship Potemkin Modern Times Killing Us Softly The Celluloid Closet Reel Bad Arabs Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix The most important articles are the McIntosh McRobbie Risman Marx Rubins Garnets Fuller hooks and Giroux Summary of articles Mcintosh White privilege According to Mcintosh white privilege is seen as an invisible package of unearned assets which white people can count on cashing in It is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions and tools Being white protected whites from hostility distress and violence which people of color are associated with Rubbins dominal theory of sexual parole If you have a domino and one falls it will hit one domino and it will affect all others in society Sexual negativity we are the only country in the west that see sex as negative McRobbie The traditional working class mother is described as strong but tired holding many minimum wage jobs to keep her children fed and offer them the best opportunities McRobbie identifies the disappearance of this working class mother in voice and visibility as harkening the decline of social democracy This targeting of welfare for funding cuts by both sides of the political spectrum informs on this even further Within Neoliberal culture in order to fulfill ones motherly duties one must be of the middle class or higher The overall effect being the formation of new sets of body image status and privilege norms within the middle class while vilifying the working class and depriving the disadvantaged for aid opportunities Riesman Key terms of McRonnie Neoliberalism Maternalism Hegemony and social democracy Social Democracy a political outlook interested in the establishment of a universal welfare state and collective bargaining schemes within the confines of a capitalist economy Popular in the early to mid 19th century Gender is a social structure We need to conceptualize gender as a social structure so that we can analyze the ways in which gender is embedded at the individual interactional and institutional dimensions of our society Gender is an achieved status it is constructed through psychological cultural and social Even when women work outside the home full time they shoulder the majority of means household and child care hooks When you write about hooks do not capitalize militariasm racism and materialism are the main topics in her article Militariasm majority of our police force are white and there is a problem with over using power Racism racism puts blacks at a disadvantage they normally do not profit We lie to ourselves saying that we no longer have racism hooks mentions that the problem of society is falsehood like The call for a return to an idealized past including patriarchal family structures The suggestion that racism no longer exists Uncritical support of capitalism The media myth that patriarchy has been undone The assumption that blacks and other minorities are taking jobs from white men The notion that people are poor and unemployed because they want to be Giroux Nationalism when you are willing to sacrifice yourself for your country Nationalism is crucial to understanding the debates over identity and multiculturalism in the U S Fuller Talks about the problem with class Three most important factors that contribute to social status are Gender Race Ethnicity and Class Social class A person s position within the economy identified by their wealth and income occupation level of education and cultural capital The purpose of race ethnicity and gender stereotyping is to uphold the image of white middle upper class Americans as normal in both their gender and sexuality This norm of whiteness justifies the economic exploitation of people of color Stereotypes may have some basis in reality and can be contradictory She argues that People of Color are more likely to be poor because of historical and current discrimination not because of differences in customs or attitudes White feminists tend to see marriage and family as an oppressive institution that creates gender inequality but many women from poor working class families of color tend to see family as an extended kin network that allows women to share household and child care responsibilities Marx Marx believed that Humanity has a natural and healthy relationship with the objects we produce and the services we perform Marx was concerned with the nature of contemporary society specifically the economic system capitalism and it s ability to be dehumanizing Labor is perverted by Capitalism alienation Alienation the process of production and the results of our labor confront us as a dominating power The production process thus controls the worker and becomes an alienating power EXP Charlie chaplin Key terms Capitalism An economic system based on private ownership of capital America Materialism An unhealthy attachment to material goods and wealth particularly when it diminishes virtue and distracts from attention to the spiritual life Profits the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost Alienation of the Worker phrase coined by Marx states that the further the worker is from the product the less happy they ll be All the terms are on quizlet http quizlet com 60725417 multicultural fim final flash cards Quiz 11 An idea or work of art that is ahead of its time is called 2 words Selected Answer Avant garde Correct Answer Evaluation Method Exact Match Correct Answer avant garde When a recurring visual or audible effect is seen in a film like the eyes in A Single Man or as seen in Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix it is called a Making something sacred manifest as we see in Saved is called Selected Answer Hierophany Exact Match Question 2 1 out of 1 points Correct Answer Evaluation Method Exact Match Question 3 1 out of 1 points Selected Answer Motif Correct Answer Evaluation Method Exact Match Question 4 0 5 out of 0 5 points Women that diminish their sexuality like mammies are called Selected Answer Hyposexual Correct Answer Evaluation Method avant garde Correct Answer hierophany Correct Answer motif Correct Answer The opposite of machismo is Exact Match Question 5 0 5 out of 0 5 points Selected Answer Marianismo Correct Answer Evaluation Method Exact Match Question 6 0 5 out of 0 5 points Selected

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