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Biochemistry I Section 1 A Water 1 pH pOH 2 Henderson Hassleback Equation 3 Osmotic Pressure value of i will always be 1 temp in K iMRT 4 Bonds electrostatic bond ionic polar covalent non polar covalent hydrogen bonding in water a molecule is polar covalent but hydrogen bonding between 2 different molecules 5 Properties freezing point is lowered w a solute melting point is higher w a solute surface tension 6 Buffers low pH means high acidity conjugate base and weak acid relationship B Amino acids Identify 20 amino acid structures by name 1 2 Classify polar non polar basic acidic 3 Essential Non Essential 4 pI values single amino acid or dipeptide need pK chart 5 pH vs charge on amino acid need pK chart 6 Examples of peptides modified amino acids structures C Proteins 1 Difference between primary secondary tertiary quaternary protein structures 2 Motifs Domains Turns 3 Protein folding Sapling questions 4 Protein degradation proteasome ubiquitin 5 Misfolded proteins and the disease that they cause Kuru Alzheimer s etc 6 Anfinsen s Experiment Urea there should be a folding process going on he added urea and the protein misfolded D Enzymes 1 Classify ex transferases isomerases etc 2 Kinetics a Michelis Menton b Line Weaver Burke c Know the equations and graphs of both everything needs to be in the same units d Know what the plot means 3 Regulation 3 types of inhibitions competitive non competitive uncompetitive II Section 2 A Nucleotides 1 Purines vs pyrimidines 2 Nucleosides convert A T U G C into nucleosides 3 Nucleotides convert A T U G C into nucleotides 4 Caffeine 5 Cordycepin 6 cAMP cGMP B Nucleic Acids RNAs 1 DNA vs RNA 2 mRNA rRNA tRNA know which enzymes make with types of 3 Griffith Experiment mouse experiment 4 Avery McLeod McCarty Experiment 5 Hershey Chase Experiment labeled with sulfur or with phosphorus and then tracked the label what does sulfur label what does phosphorus label where do each labels go what do each labels prove 6 Plasmid Restriction Digest 7 Compare the genomes of humans vs bacteria which one has more introns Which one does not have psueogenes 8 Transposons C DNA Replication conservative 1 Meselson Stahl Experiment labeled with N15 and N14 semi 2 Match enzymes in DNA replication to their function 3 Eukaryotic vs prokaryotic replication 1 Enzymes mRNA tRNA rRNA 2 Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic transcription promoters TATA box etc 3 Eukaryotes processing Intron splicing a b Capping c Adding tail d Make RNA from sense anti sense sense is the same as RNA anti sense stand is template B Translation 1 Nirenberg Experiment 2 A site P site E site 3 Steps EF G EF Tu 4 Eukaryotic vs prokaryotic translation 5 Anti sense vs sense to make RNA 6 Start at AUG when you translate not when you transcribe 7 Make amino acids III Section 3 A Transcription C Classify mutations 1 Missense 2 Nonsense 3 Silent 4 Insertion 5 Deletion 6 Transition 7 Transversion D Regulation of transcription 1 Histones 2 Nucleosomes 3 Acetylation vs methylation of histones 4 Epigenetics 5 DNA methylation cytosine etc 6 Activators enhancers silencers repressors don t worry about the IV diseases 7 Lac operon Section 4 A ATP calculations B Enzymes 1 What each enzyme makes C Glycolysis D TCA E ETC

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Clemson BCHM 3050 - Biochemistry

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