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Modern psych is full of several sub disciplines that each have a unique Psychology Today contribution to psychology Clinical psychology o Perform assessments o Diagnose and treat mental disorders o Conduct research on people with mental disorders o Work in colleges and universities mental health care centers and have private practices Counseling psychology o Counsel individuals who are experiencing temporary or relatively self contained life problems career uncertainty Marital conflict sexual dysfunctions occupational stress o Work in counseling centers hospitals and private practices School psychology o Work with teachers parents and children to remedy students behavioral emotional and learning difficulties that are adversely affecting their education o Perform assessments in an educational setting o Work for schools or educational service centers Developmental psychology o Study the change in behavior across time o Conduct research on infants children adults and the elderly o most work for universities and colleges or other research institutions Social psychology o Interested in social interactions including their effects on individuals and individuals effects on the group o Also interested in inter group relations differences between groups and differences between individuals inside of a group o Most work for universities and colleges or other research institutions Cognitive psychology o Interested in information processing How do people think perceive remember speak solve problems etc What affects this processing o Most work for universities and colleges or other research institutions Biological psychologist animals Forensic Psychology o Examines the physiological basis of behavior in both humans and o Most work for universities and colleges or other research institutions o Asses and diagnose inmates and assist with their treatment and rehab o Conduct research on eyewitness testimony jury decision making etc o Apply psychological principles to the law and court systems o Work in jails prisons courts univ colleges and other research institutions o Can be clinically or experimentally trained Industrial Organizational psychology o Work in companies and businesses to help select productive employees evaluate performance examine the effects of dif working and living conditions on peoples behavior o Design equipment to maximize employee performance and minimize accidents Scientific Thinking Why is scientific thinking important o Our common sense about the world is often incorrect o Na ve realism the belief that we see the world precisely as it is Consider the world seems flat The sun seems to orbit the earth but our common sense is wrong in these cases Humans have several cognitive biases that we often fall into o Scientific thinking can help to safe guard us from our own biases Common Biases seeking evidence that supports our position denying Belief perseverance tendency to stick to our initial beliefs even when Confirmation Bias dismissing and distorting evidence that contradicts evidence contradicts them Emotional Reasoning Fallacy emotions as guides when valuing the validity of a claim people believe it that effect others Patternicity Hot hand fallacy Bandwagon Fallacy error in assuming a claim is correct just because lots of Not Me Fallacy error of believing we are immune from errors and thinking tendency to see patterns even when no actual pattern exists aka affect heuristic the error of using our o Because we are meaning seeking organisms and experience patternicity we can sometimes confuse random events as streaks an explanation for a large number of findings in the natural Scientific theory world Cannot be proven This does NOT mean they are just random or educated guesses Hypothesis a testable predictions that is derived from a theory o Must be falsifiable Framework for Scientific thinking Critical thinking in a careful and logical manner 1 Ruling out rival hypotheses 2 Correlation isn t causation set of skills for evaluating all claims with an open mind but 3 Falsifiability 4 Replicability 5 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence 6 Occam s Razor parsimony how simple is your hypothesis explanation Watch out for o Metaphysical claims Beyond the realm of science Cannot be tested using scientific means Does not necessarily mean they are wrong just tread with caution o Pseudoscience A set of claims that seem scientific but are not Common signs 1 overuse of ad hoc immunizing hypotheses 2 exaggerated claims 3 overreliance on anecdotes 4 lack of review by other scholars 5 lack of self correlation when contrary evidence is provided 6 meaningless scientific terms thrown together 7 talk of proof instead of evidence Science vs Pseudoscience o Why is it important to distinguish them Pseudoscience can lead people to forgo traditional medical opportunities when trying to treat a disease or mental disorder Pseudoscientific treatments are often unregulated and untested which could lead to direct harm It inhibits scientific thinking among citizens Research Methods Why is the way we conduct research important Story time o Facilitated communication o Prefrontal lobotomy Like scientific thinking good research designs protect against several cognitive biases Two modes of thinking o System 1 intuitive Fast Utilizes heuristics mental short cuts or rule of thumb that helps us to streamline our thinking o System 2 analytical Slower and deliberate Often thought to over ride system one o System 1 processing and heuristics usually lead to the right answer with minimal effort but there are instances when these can cause an error in judgment o Proper research designs and scientific thinking encourage the use of system 2 Validity o External validity world situations o Internal validity relationships from studies measure o Construct validity over time extent to which we can generalize findings to real extent to which we can draw cause and effect extent to which a measure asses what it claims to Reliability the consistency of a measure does it record similar responses o Interrater reliability data coders observers etc agree on the characteristic they are measuring extent to which different raters interviewers Generalizability degree to which the results from a study can be said to represent the entire population from which a sample was drawn o Random selection Procedure that ensures every person in a population has an equal opportunity to be chosen to participate in a study This is key if

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