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Chapter 12 Psychological disorders Called abnormal psychology When is a person s behavior abnormal vs odd or weird o Societal perspective behavior that does not fit in with what is socially accepted o Individual perspective behavior that fosters personal sense of unhappiness o Mental health professional perspective behavior which keeps a person from functioning well o There is no exact distinguishing factor often it is a quantitative difference Prevalence frequency with which a given disorder occurs at a given time o In US mental health issues are 15 prevalent o Most common disorders are anxiety phobias and mood disorders Incidence how many new cases are in a given time Historical views o Until 1800 s people with mental disorders were viewed as witches or possessed by demons Treatment was cruel o In 1790 s Philippe Pinel instituted first humane treatment with asylums Contemporary views mental illness o Biological model physiological malfunctions of brain or endocrine system lead to o Psychoanalytic model mental illness as symbolic expression of childhood conflict o Cognitive model behavioral model o Diathesis Stress model mental illness arises from biological predispositions and stressful circumstances Classifying psychological disorders disorders o Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders is the main tool for classifying o Mood disorders peoples emotional experiences are very restricted Depression most common Clinical depression is longer lasting and more severe Symptoms are self blame sleep disturbance loss of interest 2 3 times more prevalent in females Mania bipolar Mania euphoric talkative unrealistic thoughts Bipolar depression and mania alternate back and forth Causes genetic biochemical environmental developmental o Anxiety disorders people feel anxious for no reason Specific phobia paralyzing fear of something Fear is unreasonable and excessive Social agora etc o Panic disorders recurring episodes of sudden unpredictable and overwhelming terror o Generalized anxiety disorder prolonged vague fears closest to neurotic Inability to relax OCD involuntary repetitive ritualistic behavior o Causes evolutionary basis genetics psychological distress Psychosomatic and somatoform disorders physical ailments caused by psychological stress o Tension headaches o Conversion disorder when psychological distress is converted to physical symptoms o Hypochondriasis when minor symptoms are interpreted as signs of a serious disease o Causes traumatic past experiences symptomatic behavior is rewarded sometimes there are real health issues Dissociative disorders when a part of a person s personality is separated o Dissociative amnesia memory loss for certain events o Dissociative fugue complete temporary change in identity o Dissociative identity disorder several distinct personalities emerge at different times o Depersonalization disorder most common feeling that you have changed left your body actions are dream like or mechanical Sexual and gender identity disorders o Sexual dysfunction Males ED Orgasmic disorders Females arousal disorder Sexual desire disorder lake of interest Premature ejaculation Vaginismus muscle spasm which makes sex impossible o Paraphilia s unusual situations used to obtain sexual arousal Fetishes repeated use of nonhuman objects for sexual activity Voyeurism watching others have sex Exhibitionism exposing yourself to others Frotterism touching rubbing others in public Transvestic Fetishism wearing clothes of opposite sex Sexual sadism inflicting pain or humiliation on your partner Sexual masochism receiving pain from your partner Pedophilia sexual attraction to children under age 13 o Gender identity disorders desire to become the opposite sex Personality disorders disordered personality ranging from eccentrics to murders o Schizoid personality disorder odd eccentric behavior Socially awkward o Paranoid personality disorder suspicious mistrustful secretive o Dependent personality disorder inability to make your own decisions fear of rejection o Avoidant personality disorder fearful of rejection timid isolated want social contact o Narcissistic personality disorder sense of self importance need for constant attention o Borderline personality disorder impulsive and self destructive manipulative trouble o Antisocial personality disorder charming on the surface but constantly lying stealing with personal boundaries prone to violence and crime Schizophrenic disorders does not mean split personality Thoughts are disorders o Those with schizophrenia are psychotic Psychotic does not equal insanity o Schizophrenia is characterized by hallucinations such as hearing voices or delusions o Disorganized schizophrenia active but aimless giggling grimacing frantic gesturing o Catatonic schizophrenia severely disturbed motor activity Mute immobile o Paranoid schizophrenia extreme suspiciousness complex delusions angry reactions o Undifferentiated schizophrenia delusions hallucinations incoherence in absence of paranoia o Causes genetic predisposition faulty regulation of neurotransmitters diathesis stress model Childhood disorders o ADHD Present in 3 5 of the population More prevalent in boys than girls Treated with psychostimulants o Autistic disorder failure to form strong attachments to parent Delays in speech and disturbed motor behavior Autism falls on a spectrum from severe to mild Asperger s Cannot understand emotions Gender and cultural differences o Women more likely to seek help then men o Strong genetic basis occurs in both men and women o With environmental components there a difference between the sexes Men have more substance abuse and antisocial disorder Men who are single have a higher rate of mental disorder women who are married have a higher rate of mental disorder o Atagne de nervious seen in Latinos feeling out of control fainting trembling o Taijin Kyofusho Japanese morbid fear of being offensive to others o Latah South East Asia socially created enhancement of startle response

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UT PSY 1010 - Chapter 12: Psychological disorders

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