02 26 2014 Ideology Doctrine myth belief that guides an individual or group Race class sexuality gender Developed in all aspects of culture Four Aspects of the Cinematic institution Belton Economic designed to make money Social leisure time Technological depended on industrial revolution era Psychological provides entertainment lifestyle audience desires Meaning of language Stuart Hall Reflective Intentional Constructionist constructivist humans construct meaning Films are constructions o All films are representations o All films have been manipulated to portray what the director wants you to see Styles of Narration Belton Circular starts ends in the same place Modernist narration plays with time Journey to a new place ends in a new place One aspect of the shot refers to all other aspects of the shot Communicate through camera angles lighting etc Encompasses are variety of categories related to the staging of Mise en scene action Microagressions Micrassault explicit racial derogation attack meant to hurt the intended victim Microinsult communication that conveys rudeness or insensitivity and demand a person s identity subconscious racism Microinvaliation communication that exclude negate or nullify the psychological thoughts feelings of a person of color Hegemonic masculinity Emotional detachment competitiveness and objectification of woman Hollywood lowbrow American comedy Ex Bridesmaids Hangover American pie Purpose oppresses social tensions in a laughable state cultural safety valve Manhood acts To establish a dominant gender doing specific things that define you as masculine or apart of the dominant gender there is more power in being of the dominant power What is genre How is it shown in films Kind type or category of a particular phenomenon or thing Categories that define media sets tone and mode of films prepares viewer for the type of film they are seeing o Subgenres and subdivisions Comedy Horror arouses dread and fear in the audience explores the cultural safety valve oppresses societal tensions unknown theme of what it means to be human important lifted spirits of Americans during conflict war theme of adapting to new ideas way of life setting is also explores the unknown possibilities of the future Science fiction Western o Teaching a tenderfoot male character is taught masculine traits skills leaving behind feminine characteristics compare to Manhood Acts article o Women in westerns value family communication education Orientalism by Said Homosociality Founding text of post colonial theory Establishes West as a hegemonic power over the East Refers to specifically nonsexual attractions held by men or woman for members of their own sex Talked about in Welcome to the Men s Club by Sharon Bird Film Noir Not a genre not intentional in the way they are made mostly part of another genre already More of a style or mode Woman are the antagonist Often unclear There are femme fatales as well as mother figures o Portrayed as tough the image of family is darkened sexualized and devalued Grossman argues that this is a stereotype of woman and femme fatale is simply a myth she disagrees that all woman in film noir are femme fatales Hegemony coined by Antonio Gramsci Method of maintaining power cannot exist without consent by the marginalized unconsciously Naturally becomes all encompassed by society Short Answer options Kellner s approach to media culture o Production political economy Why is the film being made How is it being made For what reason are they using specific elements Reading and analyzing the message the film sends or o Textual analysis puts out o Audience perception intended Films may be perceived differently than director Althusser s repressive state apparatuses and ideological state apparatus o Repressive state apparatus control raw power by the state o Ideological more private before nonviolence family system church school Stereotypes by Andre o More rigid than a generalization not as easily changed oversimplified and inflexible o Andre says they are harmful even when they are intended to be positive Liberal vs neoconservative views on race o Liberal recognize race in social structure it is a fact cannot get rid of it use affirmative action for diversity o Neoconservative turn to a colorblind label do not acknowledge race or difference among people feel if they get rid of race they can eliminate racism 02 26 2014 Articles to review and know Hegemony by Lull Theories on the meaning of language by Stuart Hall Imagined communities by Anderson Ideological apparatuses by Althusser Stereotypes conceptual and Normative Consideration by Andre Femmes Fatales by Grossman Orientalism by Loza Welcome to the Men s Club by Sharon Bird Microagressions by Sue Hollywood Lowbrow by Bonila Marriage Moynihan Mahogamy by Thaggert 02 26 2014
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