Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter One Clinical Psychology An Introduction What is Clinical Psychology Closely related mental health professionals o Psychiatrists A physician rooted in the medical tradition Psychiatrists most important aspect is rooted in medical tradition rather than ability to prescribe Exists within framework of organized medicine Prescribe medication Psychiatrists vs clinical lies in difference between medical model versus psychological model Psychological model is less invasive o Counseling psychologists Overlap with clinical psychologists Counseling is subset of clinical Clinical deals with more severe cases Traditionally work with normal or moderately maladjusted Active in Preventive treatment Consultation Development of outreach programs Short term counseling or therapy o Other mental health professionals Clinical social workers Many conduct psychotherapy on an individual or group basis and contribute to diagnostic process as well In past tended to deal with the social forces and external agents that were contributing to the patient s difficulties Work more on lower end of Maslow s hierarchy School psychologists work with students educators and others to promote the intellectual social and emotional growth of school age children and adolescents Do a lot of assessment without much continuity but counselors work with them long term Make assessment and then make recommendation on further treatment Health rehabilitation psychologists Health psychologists Psychiatric nurses Others including paraprofessionals people who are trained to assist professional mental health workers Professions and titles not regulated by the government o Some titles therapists psychotherapist are not regulated by the government and virtually anyone can offer services using this title The Clinical Psychologist o Activities of clinical psychologists Therapy intervention Usually one on one but may be couple s family parent Varies among many different dimensions theoretical training group orientation o Symptom substitution Main role Clinical psychologists spend most of their time with therapy intervention Diagnosis assessment Effort to better understand the individual so that a more informed decision can be made or the most desirable course of action selected Historically the chief element of clinician s professional identity Social workers do a little of this Utilize DSM to do so May have to make legal appearances Military put clinical psychology on the map o Require assessment Fit for duty Teaching Classroom supervision workshops Clinical supervision Typically involves more one to one teaching small group approaches and other less formal non classroom varieties of instruction Research Consultation Asking another professional for opinion When you seek supervision Objective point of view Done in private Legally two heads are better than one Administration Documentation Only as good as your records Clients over 18 have right to see their records o Employment sites Private practice is most frequent employment setting including insurance companies University settings are second Ex Veteran s Administration and Prison judicial Administration o A week in the life of Dr Karen C o Some demographic notes 34 women 7 members of racial minorities percentage of women is increasing Primary theoretical orientation 29 described themselves as eclectic integrative 28 as cognitive 15 as psychodynamic Freud 10 as behavioral Skinner Only 12 expressed any dissatisfaction with their choice of clinical psychology o Research and the scientific tradition Training toward a clinical identity o An overview Ph D doctor of philosophy 75 scientist 25 applied practitioner publish or perish pressure to publish to stay relevant obtained mostly from state institutions 5 years of schooling If you re applying match research interest with faculty member Post doctoral internship psy D doctor of psychology obtained more often from private university 25 scientist 75 applied practitioner more expensive to get 5 years of schooling No minors have tracts or concentrations Post doctoral internship Veteran s administration is very Psy D friendly as far as employment goes master s level Terminal Masters stop with a masters degree 2 years Most programs offer BS through Doctoral program instead Licensed social worker Licensed Mental health Clinician Separate step is needed to earn License Same jobs as psychologists just lower pay Less assessment License is in addition to degree and allows you to practice o clinical training programs scientists practitioner model this is the difference between PsyD and PHD see above APA accredited programs need both o a sample program some programs place less emphasis on research and more on clinical techniques o Psy D some can be completed in four usually 5 years including internship but usually require taking summer classes schools have their own personality or emphasis of orientation o match interest of someone their in terms of research coursework only fall admissions practicum work work done by advanced student that involves the practical application of previously studied theory Always supervised pre internship Research differences among schools as to the extent of their commitment to the scientist practitioner approach to training The qualifying examination Usually a written exam that can take many forms Internship one year of supervised work usually paid Provides the experience that begins to consolidate the scientist practitioner model A profession in movement o Women in clinical psychology More women than men are receiving their doctorates in psychology especially clinical psychology o Training models o Clinical practice Despite the financial impact of managed care recently trained clinical psychologists continue to go into private practice in large numbers Issues of licensing and certification participation in governmental health care programs and other guild concerns seem to be preoccupying the clinical psychologist more and more A tolerance for ambiguity and a thirst for new knowledge Box 1 1 o But is it the right prescription for clinical psychology Some want to prescribe psychotropic medications that affect mental activity mood or behavior Clinical psychologists frequently stress to troubled clients their autonomy and the necessity that they as clients collaborate with the therapist in the change process psychiatrists often come from more authoritarian tradition Others suggest that the reason
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