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a body of doctrine myth belief etc that guides an Concepts Understand their meaning and usage ISA family media school church Althusser Ideological State Apparatus An organization not a person that propagates the ideologies of the hegemonic force through means of social and psychological effects a If you are taught to believe the hegemony s ideas are the best and they should be supportedb presented in the form of distinct and specialized institutionsEX religious ISA educational ISA etc RSA the man government courts military Althusser Repressive State Apparatus An organization not a person that enforces the ideologies of hegemony though the use of violence or force a groups that make sure you follow the laws of the ruling powerb functions primarily by violence or repression physical repression and by ideology EX the government the administration the army the police the courts the prisons etc Ideology individual social movement institution class or large groupa the concept of ideology is of central importance for dominant ideologies serve to reproduce social relationsb utilized by institutions in order to govern the interactions of individuals Hegemony Lull power or dominance one social group holds over another Meritocracy Myth McNamee and Miller myth that the system distributes resources according to merit One s success or failure going for the American Dream is a result of their own merit or lack thereof Imagined Community Anderson nation is an imagined political community both inherently limited sovereigna Limited means we are Americans Stereotypes popular social circlesb often used to make yourself feel better and demoralize othersc rigid and inflexible Arab Stereotypes films have portrayed all Arabs as Muslims and all Muslims as Arabsa heartless brutal uncivilizedb Hook nosed Arabc Seen as the cultural other d Public enemy 1e Shocking articleReel Bad Arabs Microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal behavioral or environmental indignities whether intentional or nota communicate hostile derogatory or negative racial slights and insults toward people of colorb appear in 3 forms must be generalized and nonspecifica widely held in Microassault microinsult and microinvalidation Sue et al microassault often conscious racial slur intended to hurt the intended victim Microinsult often inconscious demean a person s racial or ethnic identity or heritage include rudeness and insensitivity Microinvalidation often unconscious exclude negate or nullify a racial minority s thoughts feelings or experiences The Other that which lies beyond the selfa other people species objects and world Gender Roles what is expected from society for each gender gender an individual s anatomical sex or sexual assignment and the cultural and social aspects of being male or female An individual s personal sense of maleness or femaleness is his or her gender identity Feminism the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political social and economic equality to men Feminist Theory emerged from feminist movementsa aims to understand the nature and gender inequality by examining women s social roles and lived experience Sexuality her or his relative attraction to members of the same sex homosexual other sex heterosexual or both sexes bisexual Gender sexual assignment gender identity gender role sex role and sexual orientation form an individual s sexual identity Class social constructa OED division or order of society according to status a rank or grade of society Race common distinct physical features or similar ethnic backgroundb created in 1400s by white man social constructa OED major groupings of mankind with social construct An individual s sexual orientation refers to Definitions The doctrine that several different cultures Multiculturalism rather than one national culture can co exist peacefully and equitably in a single country view of cultural diversity as valuable and worth maintaining Affirms subcultures and doesn t re present the norms Language Representation Film Noir Janey Place movement rather than genre and as national myth that secures the existence of the social structure within the precise polemics of WWIIa male fantasyb women defined IN RELATION to men and the centrality of sexuality in this definitionAS A MYTHa fluid sensual extraordinarily expressive making woman extremely powerfulb men need to control women s sexuality to not be destroyed by itIN THE US came about in the 40s and 50s Nationalism promotes patriotism which is the reason why America has such a vast voluntary armya great patriotic actsb Films as an ISA encourage the perpetuation of nationalism Femme Fatale a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive characterized by her long lovely legsa loses physical movement influence over camera movementb projection of male fear and desire Spider Woman source and operation of women s sexual power and its danger to men in filma dominance is expressed in composition angle camera movement and lighting INDEPENDENCE Nurturing Woman represents woman as redeemera offers integration to the lost man into the stable world Bechdel Test test of female characterization in films 1 at least 2 women in film with names2 women talking to each other3 not about a man STAR WARS LGBTQ lesbian gay bi tran queera imagined community heterosexual more comfortable Homoeroticism a sexual attraction to another man without any intention to copulatea sharing of women sexually represents homoeroticismb seen in war films with the same woman Homosociality Homosexuality sexual attraction to the same sex Transgender self identity as the opposite gender that you are born a generally referred to during pre post operation Blaxploitation refers to movies made in the 1970s where blacks were the focus of the films and were depicted as violent beings only way blacks were portrayed in filmsa Pimps hustlers and drug dealersb for the first time it gave black person s point of viewc once this was seen successful the overall depictions of black males were negativei still a huge step up from being slaves Genre of film made by blacks produced by blacks for nonsexual attraction to members of the same sex blacks and about blacksgave them a positive opportunity until it became popular and whites took over Emotional Detachment part of hegemonic masculinity Ex sarcasm Competitiveness Sexual Objectification of Women sexuality to have power over men leads to violence Use looks and component of masculinity Genres know

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