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Clinical Counseling Notes Test 2 10 11 2012 Reliability and Validity Monday September 24 2012 Learning Objectives What is reliability What is validity What are the different types of reliability and validity How are reliability and validity related What is the purpose of assessment What is a referral and how does it impact assessment What is an interview What are the essentials and techniques that should be kept in mind when conducting an interview In what ways do interviews differ What is rapport and why is it important Know about the 5 different types of interviews What are the differences between structured and unstructured interviews Reliability and Validity Reliability o Level of agreement over multiple ratings Interrater Level of agreement between two different raters who evaluated the same client They would come up with the same answers Test retest Consistency of score or diagnosis across time Should have the same answers twice o How well the assessment measures what it intends to Validity measure Content Comprehensive on measuring the topic of interest Also are all items relevant Study all topics of aggression Discriminant Should not be related with other topics that is not theoretically related to IQ should be correlated with aggression Criterion related Predictive is significantly correlated with a future How many times does the kid go to the principles office for aggression Concurrent is with an independent set of event measure Self report of aggression relates to the way mom says they show aggression or how aggressive they are in class o Assessment in Clinical Psychology Definition and Purpose Gather information Conceptualize the problem suggest a solution Better understand the client Evaluate change progress Our ability to treat a psychological problem depends on our ability to define the problem The Referral Question Why are they coming to the therapist Could be someone else judge mom or the individual o Where to start The reason the client is seeking treatment testing The reason the client was referred by someone How to address the referral else o Not standardized o Depends on the clinician s theoretical orientation The Interview o Could be face to face phone etc A major tool An interaction with a goal in mind Elicit information beliefs attitudes The Interview o Essentials Techniques Physical arrangements Room is important Spacious comfortable neutral d cor privacy and protection from interruption Note taking recording Happen moderately Audio video taped must provide consent Rapport Relationship between client and clinician Accepting Understanding Respectful Types of Interviews Interviews can differ o Purpose o Structure Unstructured Structured Any sort of question in any sort of order Questions are all laid out Specific questions in a specific order Semi structured Specific questions specific order but can ask more then required Intake Admission o Determine why the client is seeking services o Judge whether the agency can meet the client s needs o Inform the client about what to expect How much fee per session where do they park video audio etc Case History o Gather complete personal and social history o Provides context Family Family history of mental disorders Who do they live with Medical prior treatment Education Employment Social network relationships Has social support or not Religion culture More or less influencing Mental Status Exam more severe circumstances o Quick way to assess cognitive emotional or behavioral problems o Not standardized o Unstructured structured more so unstructured General presentation What s the clients behavior clothing etc Orientation Is the client aware of time place date etc Attention and Calculation Do simple ish math Recall Language Remember three objects to tell you later Can they write down a sentence etc Read a sentence and do what it says Complex commands o Mini mental status exam Give three steps and see if they can follow them Crisis Interview o Currently experiencing the crisis Meet problems as they occur and provide an immediate resource Deflect the potential for a disaster Currently suicidal be there for them prevent it from happening Encourage the person to enter a relationship with a clinician o Where do these things happen Walk in clinics Telephone hotlines 1 800 273 TALK National 211 Big Bend Local Crisis Management Unit at FSU 644 1234 number listed is FSUPD Diagnostic Interview o Arrive at a DSM IV diagnosis o Historically unstructured Problems Researchers have developed structured diagnostic interviews Lead to a higher interrater reliability 10 11 2012 Wednesday Sept 26 Learning Objectives 1 What were the first intelligence tests for children and adults 2 How has intelligence been defined 3 How did Spearman and Thurstone differ in their conceptualizations of intelligence How are their ideas reflected in current IQ tests 4 What are the differences between Ratio IQ and Deviation IQ 5 What are the correlates of IQ Do gender differences in IQ exist 6 What is the evidence that IQ is heritable Is IQ fixed 7 What is the Flynn Effect 8 What are the common IQ assessments What do they have in common How are they different 9 Why are intelligence tests used History of Intelligence Testing 1908 Binet Simon Scale o Alfred Binet Theodore Simon o Assess cognitive limitations among children FIRST PRECURSOR TO IQ TEST 1939 Wechsler Bellevue Test o David Wechsler o First measure of adult intelligence The Concept of Intelligence Ongoing controversy What is intelligence How do we measure it The Concept of Intelligence No universally accepted definition Definitions of intelligence often emphasize o Adjustment or adaptation Street smart o Ability to learn Book smart o Abstract thinking Being able to use symbols understand concepts Critical thinking Theories of Intelligence o Spearman 1927 g factor general intelligence s factors specific intelligence general cognitive ability their going to score high or score low on all tests Thurstone 1938 o not a single g factor but several group factors Primary Mental Abilities Spatial visualization Reasoning Verbal comprehension Associative memory Numerical facility Word fluency Perceptual speed The Intelligence Quotient IQ Ratio IQ o MA Mental Age o Chronological Age MA CA x 100 IQ Example 20 18 x 100 111 20 20 x 100 100 20 22 x 100 91 o Problem the more questions you get right the smarter you are metal age stays consistent the older they get their o Most people fall 15 above or below 100 o

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