CLP3305 SPRING 2013 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Describe what the following do Psychiatrist o Physicians doctors of medicine and therefore receive education and training that is different from clinical psychologists o Involved in prescribing psychotropic medication and to a lesser extent in conducting psychotherapy and managing the medical care of psychiatric patients o Trained to prescribe medicine o Counseling psychologist o Concerned with problems of everyday living and with enhancing the adjustment of well functioning individuals Psychologist Master social work o Typically conduct psychotherapy on individuals or group basis and are involved in the coordination of a wide range of social and psychological services for the people they serve o Strong emphasis on working WITH people in the community and in coordinating services that are designed to meet all their needs and problems beyond those that can be met through psychotherapy or medication alone Doctor of Psychology o Clinical psychologists are involved in many different activities including research teaching assessment and diagnosis prevention treatment consultation and administration o Very few are involved in every one of these endeavors o Play an important role in understanding treating and preventing mental health problems o Ph D degree o Tasks of Clinical Psychologists Description what is the problem explanation why did it happen prediction what will the course of the problem if left untreated and change how can the course and outcome be changed Describe briefly the different scientific programs for clinical psychologists PhD Training Model o Boulder Model of training in clinical psychology o Develop skills in both psychological research and practicing psychologists o All Boulder Model programs share a commitment to relative balance of training in the science and the application of clinical psychology o Housed in university based departments o Specialized seminars on topics in clinical psychology o Students are required to carry out at least two pieces of original research o Specified number of hours in training in graduate school followed by a full year internship 1 o Four years of work at a university course work research clinical practica followed by an internship in the fifth year PsyD Training Model o Most PsyD training exist in separate freestanding professional schools devoted solely to training of professional psychologists o Relatively little emphasis is given to clinical research and more training is devoted to skills in psychological assessment and intervention o PsyD students are allowed to do an alternative to complete the research requirement such as review of the literature on a topic relevant to clinical psychology or a detailed case study Describe each conference covered in section1 o Boulder Conference 1949 Equal weight was accorded to the development of both research competencies and clinical skills That dual emphasis resulted in the notion of clinical psychologist as a scientist practitioner This was a milestone it established the Ph D as the required degree and said training should occur in a university not outside or separate schools institutions as in medicine and dentistry Also a milestone because clinical psychologists were trained to be a scientist practitioners prepared for work in both academic world and practice world o Chicago Conference 1965 Led to first Psy D program First proposal to establish purely professional training programs is made due to the need for more psychological service providers What is the Manifesto for a Science of Clinical Psychology o Clinical psychologist Richard McFall o Cardinal principle scientific clinical psychology is the only legitimate and acceptable form of clinical psychology o Psychological science provides the most objective basis for the practice of clinical psychology o Psychological services should not be delivered to the public except under strict experimental control until they meet the four criteria 1 The exact service is described clearly 2 The claimed benefits of the service are stated explicitly 3 The claimed benefits are validated scientifically 4 The positive effects of the service are shown to outweigh its possible negative effects o Doctoral training programs must produce the most competent clinical scientists possible What are some of the challenges the field of clinical science faces Make Love Please Richard For Daycare Ends Now Mollie Cakes 2 o Maintaining the link between science and practice o Prescribing rights for clinical psychologists o Functioning in a diverse society o Employment needs how many clinical psychologists do we need o Managed care and the health care industry Describe each research design covered o After having a clear set of hypotheses and appropriate measures to assess the important constructs under investigation a clinical psychologist is prepared to design a study o All the research designs can be cross sectional one point in time or longitudinal over the course of time o Choice of which design depends on the nature of the question being asked and on ethical and practical limitations that may constrain the research o No one type is superior to the others Single Case Designs developed in behavioral psychology o Studying individual cases in a controlled manner o Not the same as case studies single case studies involve the systematic introduction and in some instances the withdrawal of experimental conditions accompanied by ongoing measurement of the relevant variables o The person serves as his her own control in the sense that they are observed under normal or non experimental conditions specifically created by the experimenter o Withdrawing and presenting a reinforcement and how the person s behavior changes when that reinforcement is withdrawn or presented o Now used to study complex patterns of behavior Descriptive Research Designs used in clinical psychology o Used to report on the prevalence or incidence of a human characteristic or problem in the population o GOAL OF THIS RESEARCH IS TO DESCRIBE A PARTICULAR PHENOMENA without trying to predict or explain when or why it occurs o Used most frequently in epidemiological studies in which researchers try to identify the prevalence of different forms of psychopathology o Often an important first step in research on a particular problem or disorder because they allow the researchers to define the scope of a problem in the population o Sometimes the studies can look for
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