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Final Exam Study Guide for HUM3321 Terms and concepts 180 Degree Rule on screen spatial relationship between characters when cameras move levels the illusion of spatial reality African American stereotypes o Golliwog like picaninnies extra black o Magical negro wisdom helps whites Woopy Goldberg Morgan Freedom o Brute Buck savage beastly men o Picaninny little kid with kinky hair big smiles and big eyes Associated with watermelon and being very dark o Tom old happy man loves white o Jezebel sapphire scary badass woman loud sexualized afro o Mammy old fat happy woman loves white o Coon lazy cynical inarticulate baffon o Tragic mulatto halfrican self hate white but not really Alienation stuff Capraesque o Marx o Money is the alienated mediator between men o Separation of things that naturally belong together o Alienation of worker from the work money buys machines that do physical labor o Alienation of the worker from working willing to work more worse conditions to get more money more o Alienation of the worker from himself man works past self sustainment o Frank Capra o The common man o Depression wracked times o Narrative structure with deeply sentimental mode Camera movement shots movements aside from tradition were used to disorient and confuse the audience Cinematic history o Late 1870s 1890s emergence of motion picture o 1900 1920s rise of motion picture industries emergence of studio system o 1929 Development of production code o 1930s depression era of Hollywood o 1934 1945 wartime Hollywood o 1938 1950s decline of studio system o 1940s 1970s anticommunist Hollywood Civilizing process a way to make a large group share the same emotions and drives Class 3 tier model Marxism etc o Upper well born elite 250000 year forbes o Middle while collar bourgeois subdivision minimum wage o Lower cycle of poverty blue collar Cold War anti communistic propaganda exposing life behind the iron curtain Combat films Final Exam Study Guide for HUM3321 o Concept of other enemy subhuman super human o appearance of a woman meant danger for men o homosocial behaviors o regulation and internalizing of standards of behavior o Americans understood why what we were fighting for Comedy films o Silent Comedy transformation of the nature of comic narrative o Slapstick Comedy the exaggeration of physical violence o Screwball Comedy it was applied to films where everything was a juxtaposition educated and uneducated rich and poor intelligent and stupid honest and dishonest and most of all male and female o Sigmund Freud form of liberation therapeutic o Can openly deal with issues political consciousness and reveals cultural contradictions o Hays The Enlightenment 18th century age of reason reason replaces superstition and irrationality initiating an interrogation of traditional spiritual and reason represses or questions the supernatural the irrational and the monstrous Femme fatal seductresses whose desires and malevolence are seemingly unmotivated don t in fact exist in the noir motives in which so called bad women appear Film narrative linear story exposition rising action climax falling action denouement actualities in film Film noir o discovered in France o low key lighting of the film the dark subject matter or the unsettling mood conveyed to the audience o Iconic nighttime urban settings o Tough guy protagonists and seductive femme fatales o Similar stories crime murder corruption moral fallibility of the main character o Crosses traditional genre boundaries o Noir can be viewed more as an aesthetic movement from a certain period of time o Audiences do not view noir films with any preconceived notions about what to expect o elicit a certain audience feeling or reaction o Heavy use of shadows low lighting use of vertical compositional lines extreme juxtaposition or contrast between two different shots and a flashback style narrative with a voiceover narration o Thematically noir films deal with the existential struggle of a lonely alienated individual often awash in mass society o The futility of life and the arbitrary nature of justice and society often set a tone of despair Film styles techniques film noir surrealism musical films Gay rights LGBTQ 1979 marches in DC sexual revolution roe v wade birth control and condoms Gender identity o Masculine is okay for men and a little okay for women o Femininity is not okay for men o Transgender body and mind do not match o CIS gender body and mind match o Socially constructed Gender roles Final Exam Study Guide for HUM3321 o Gender norms o Men pants physical labor destruction building trucks cash inflow opposite gay o Women dresses kitchen house work children minivan emotional opposite feminist Gender theory o Risman gender is a social structure o Better understand how gender is embedded in an individual the interactional and the institutional o Dimensions of society o Theories Biological or social Social structure creates gendered behavior Gender creates and reproduces inequality Socially constructed stratification system Hays Production Code 1930 o Code more concerned with sex than violence o Since the Code forbade its onscreen representation sexuality was driven underground o Changes in the code took place due to the Catholic Legion of Decency to ensure sanctity of the institution of marriage Banning adultery and illicit sex White Slavery Vulgarity etc Hegemonic Masculinity the practice in which men are dominant over females and all who are biologically female and those who act feminine Bird Hegemony ruling power the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others Heteronormative the body of lifestyle norms that hold that people fall into distinct and complementary genders man and woman with natural roles in life High Low Key Lighting o high key lighting the ratio is high which washes out shadows cast by the key light this produces a relatively brightly lit scene with evenly distributed light across the set o low key lighting the ratio is low shadows cast by the key are not fully filled in producing a shadowy effect and an uneven distribution of light this style is often used in dramas horror films and especially films noirs Homosociality same sex relationships that are not of a romantic or sexual nature such as friendship mentorship or others Horror films o A modal genre the chief purpose is to generate horror terror or dread in the audience o Primarily does so through a monster its threat to humanity o Obsessed with the

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