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Xin Li RST242 11 7 2022 Reflection Narrative Paper4 During the lesson in this week I know that there are two philosophy that appears because of Hetch Hetchy debate The first one is preservationist who prefer to save the natural resource as utilitarian value while the second one is conservationist who prefer to use the natural resources to meet needs of society It is hard to choose one side as my position but I have to say that my views most closely align with conservationist There are many reasons for this I admit that it is important to protect natural resources but if we stop using natural resources just because we want to protect them it will bring more harm than benefits If we don t use natural resources the development of society will be in a low speed And this doesn t mean that I want overuse natural resources for human development Utilizing them properly will make both human beings and nature develop which is a double win idea I believe if we have more advanced technology we can use some technical skills to protect our natural resource And for now we already some ways to protect the natural resources Some regulations have been passed to protect forests and rivers And governments will execute punishment on those people who want to break these laws Another example is the National Park I have been to some national parks and I really enjoyed the beauty of nature there From this we can see that those regulations are very useful It is true that we still need more time and more ways to protect natural environment but we can prove that conversationists is a more useful way than preservationists

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UIUC RST 242 - Reflection Narrative Paper 4

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