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Nicholas Wong Mr Kaczorowski Ms Jeong RST 242 4 17 22 Week 6 Packback Discussion I did not agree that the fight for gender equity aligned with the fight for environmental action before learning the material taught from this week s module I have not really given it much thought regarding the particular effect women had on the environment even though people get involved in environmental action What really made me realize the environmental movements and gender equity going on around the world was studying the Women in Toxics Organizing Conference The roles women were previously restricted to and the spirit of families were drastically altered by the toxics issue Gottlieb 2005 Women are not the people leading social action movements Gottlieb 2005 Due to this women realized they did not want to be presented as differential or passive towards movements as they thought more regarding the image of themselves Gottlieb 2005 Due to the women s backgrounds and gender equity they were capable of providing useful aspects to the toxics movement I studied that children s exposure to hazardous waste Known as the Mother s Day Die In and reproductive health were the topics that one of the crucial images in the Love Canal protests was centered about Gottlieb 2005 I know gender equity and environmental action have taught people that personal experiences can sometimes convey much more than scientific authority or evidence and that the fight for gender equity aligns with the fight for environmental action Response Post To Justin Fine Hi Justin Regarding your claim that the fight for gender equity aligns with the fight for environmental action I agree Your counterargument that some people view those movements as separate was very strong and helped strengthen your claim Furthermore you provide evidence showing housewives taking note of not just a couple particular problems but the environmental problem as a whole to further support your claim However regarding why you thought the fight for gender equity aligns with the fight for environmental action it is helpful if you expanded upon it with another argument showing a bit more of your reasoning behind your claim The claim that the fight for gender equity does not align with the fight for environmental action is an argument against you The difference is that women are humans but the environment Even though it is a crucial part of life is not able to ask for what is essential to them and has no feelings Humans are essential to be a voice for the environment since it is not capable of standing up for itself This is the goal of the ecofeminism movement but instead of attempting to compare the fight for gender equity with the fight for environmental action the goal is capable of being accomplished differently Nicholas Wong

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UIUC RST 242 - Week 6 Packback Discussion

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