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Nicholas Wong Mr Kaczorowski Ms Jeong RST 242 4 24 22 Week 7 Packback Discussion I do not agree that taking a mainstream or non Indigenous perspective is the most efficient way to manage America s natural resources For starters America is the country with the most diversity not a country combined with one race as some Asian countries Depending on America s uniqueness handling the natural resources should not be involved with the mainstream perspective that white people s opinions restrict According to Floyd 1999 the white culture always led to conflict and prejudice and the dominant male perspective during that year was essentially to limited access to socioeconomic resources which in turn result from historical patterns of discrimination America s distinctive structure is what distinguishes it from other countries and disables the common law The dominant perspective stands for most citizens opinions Rather than only a dominant perspective more minor opinions should also be taken into consideration while separated by races and religions According to Finney 2014 Americans take care of minorities opinions Instead prominent views of the environment while not unified still draw from the experiences values and nationalistic desires of a privileged few who are in a position to influence and establish legitimacy for their ideas institutionally and culturally Page 54 I also know Americans opinions are always changing in different circumstances from the previous chapters studied in class An example is how the mainstream of European settlers when they first arrived to the America continent was fear of nature led by the religions Even though opinions always change citizens and government should combine a variety of perspectives to form a more suitable plan utilizing natural resources not just consider the dominant perspective Response Post To Caleb S Miller Hi Caleb Since American Indians know a lot regarding natural resources and nature and people are able to learn a lot from them I agree with your position that taking a mainstream or non Indigenous perspective is not the most effective way to manage America s natural resources When you incorporated information from David Bengston 2014 regarding an important theme in indigenous perspective being traditional knowledge this was your strongest argument to me since it conveys that regarding nature American Indians know what they are discussing However when you quoted how while indigenous people already know the properties of plants that botanists were still attempting to figure out these properties it was your weakest argument to me It does not correlate that much to handling natural resources even though regarding nature American Indians knowledge is further shown Even though I agree with your position one could easily argue against your position by stating how American Indians will not be guaranteed to understand how essential it is to handle resources in a method helping the economy even though they know old fashioned and traditional medicine using plants Nicholas Wong

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UIUC RST 242 - Week 7 Packback Discussion

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