CTE3431 Exam Study Guide The Role of Product Development Design Apparel Styles Write Specifications for construction of the apparel styles Coordinate style selections to develop a product line Creative planning o Spring fall trends drive both marketing and in store visuals Merchandise planning o Merchandise budget identifies the resources needed to meet profit sales and margin objectives for a specific season o Line or range plan set sales and margin goals for lines Production planning o Garment production often takes place in distant offshore locations o Product planners must Understand the costs of materials trims and value added finishes and processes Determine quantity and quality criteria Specify assembly processes necessary to produce and acceptable final product Line Concept Line development Line presentation o Results from trend research and includes the mood theme and key elements that contribute to the identity of the line o Begins as the design team translates the line concepts into garments to be delivered throughout the selling season o Consists of showing the proposed line of products to the technical design staff and sourcing managers for selection of styles to include in the season s product line Business Planning Merchandising concept to delivery Production o Planning development and presentation of the product line from o Links merchandising creative design and technical design decisions to the actual construction of products Finance o Expenditures for materials and equipment salaries of employees and the overall budget Operations o The upkeep of equipment used by employees o Advertising and promotional objectives sales goals and marketing Marketing programs and tools Sourcing o Supply chain management Consumer Markets Demographics o Age gender marital status income occupation education religion ethnicity region Psychographics o Life stage junctures of adult life that have an impact on decision making marriage divorce children o Attitudes persons opinion about issues products services o Class Consciousness reflects persons desire for social status o Motivation internal external stimulus that causes and individual to act Generational Data o Members of a generation are linked through shared life experiences in their formative years Lifestyle segments focus on the combination Trend Forecasting Color forecasting process o Release their forecasts 12 18 months prior to a season o Trickle down theory new fashion ideas start on designer runways o Trickle up theory street fashions that are later reinterpreted by designers and mass marketers Color associations o Largest color organizations Color Marketing Group International Colour Authority ICA Color Association of the US CAUS Textile consortiums o Wool Bureau o Cotton Inc o Manmade Fiber Producers Color forecasting specialist include o D3 Donegar Design Directions o Hue point o The Color Box Color Management Begins at the moment the seasonal color palette is determined and continues until the product reaches the store Coordinates groups of items that are designed to stimulate the purchase of multiple pieces Each category of apparel swimwear active sportswear dresses outerwear interprets color differently Illuminant metamerism change in color between two samples that are considered a match under one light source and not a match under another Color matching systems o SCOTDIC applies the Munsell Color Order System o Pantone Matching System uses a six digit numerical code o CSI offers a library of color standards options to develop a custom color Design Principles Importance of design principles how they relate to product development Balance occurs when the right and left sides of the body appear to be even when viewed from the front back and side Emphasis Focal point the first place on a garment to which the eye is drawn can be created through convergence of lines combination of color or detail Proportion the relationship or scale of all the parts of a garment to each other and to the body as a whole Harmony refers to the way in which all of the design elements in a garment work together to produce a pleasing aesthetic appearance and give it unity Rhythm organized movement of the eye through related elements of a garment Elements of fit o 1 Grain reflects the direction of the threads in the fabric On grain meet at 90 degrees Off grain run at 45 degrees o 2 Set reflects a smooth fit with no unwanted wrinkles o 3 Line refers to the manner in which the structural lines of a garment conform to the lines of the body o 4 Balance occurs when the right and left sides of the body appear to be even when viewed from the front back and side o 5 Ease amount of difference between the body measurements and the measurements of the finished garment Fabrication The process of selecting textiles for each style and group in a seasonal line Fabrics can be merchandised as o Collections or stand alone patterns Basic goods ordered in greater quantities used season after season Novelty goods unusual prints patterns that make it unique more costly The fibers used formation of yarns and the impact of finishes combine to give a fabric aesthetic properties and performance characteristics Fibers o Natural o Manufactured Those of natural or synthetic origin whose chemical composition have been modified during the manufacturing process Regenerated fibers created by converting natural materials chemically into filaments Cellulosic acetate triacetate rayon lyocell Synthetic fibers polymers made from a chemical process utilizing petroleum based chemicals plastic and or coal Acrylic nylon polyester spandex Garment Styling o Design development starts here o Successful silhouettes o Quality fit o Produced within targeted price point o Item driven world o Methods for developing design ideas o 1 Study primary resources historical cultural o 2 Buy actual garments Branded product developers buy samples when they want to interpret fabric detail fit and construction technique o 3 Collect runway image printed sources and internet o 4 Sketch design ideas croquets sketches o The innovative approach to design begins by studying primary resources o Shape adds interest helps achieve fit Line Development Parameters of line development o 1 Original Designers o 2 Style Modification o 3 Knockoffs Assortment plan o Pyramid assortment plan this type of planning is typically used by o Breaks down the line plan into components that address customer mass merchant preferences
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