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CTE 3431 Final Exam Study Guide Role of Product Developers Creative Planning tracking and interpreting trends for the company s target market and developing styles to be produced Merchandise Planning a plan that identifies the resources needed to meet company profit sales and margin objectives for a specific season by company division thereby linking strategic planning to creative planning technical planning production planning and sales and marketing Production Planning function that links merchandising decisions with design and technical decisions in order to plan the activities related to making the product Design Apparel Styles o Write specifications for construction of the apparel styles o Coordinate style selections to develop a product line Line Concept the mood theme and key elements that contribute to the identity of the line Line Development translating trend information into actual sketches of styles Line Presentation showing the proposed line of products to sourcing managers and technical design staff for selection of styles to include in the season s product line Apparel Supply Chain Traditional Linear Supply Chain o 1 Fiber Production o 2 Yarn Manufacturing o 3 Textile Production o 4 Apparel Manufacturing o 5 Retailers o 6 Final Consumer Today s Supply Chain o More complex flexible than the traditional linear model o Builds on CORE COMPETENCIES Core Competencies the business functions that a company is best equipped to execute Sourcing the process of procuring materials and production Collaborative Supply Chain Interactive networks of independent manufacturing specialist that join forces operationally to integrate complementary resources to respond to a market opportunity through the creation of a particular product PLM software product lifestyle management captures managers o Seasonal concept Business marketing plans Concepts mood color palette materials trim silhouettes Merchandising plans line boards material usage market calendars o Line development product tracking o Definition o Sourcing Costing costing quality Initial Specification adopted specification production specification production specification special size specification Vendor collaboration vendor allocation multisourcing estimate Vertical Integration a strategy that seeks to consolidate a supply chain by acquiring a company or companies at another stage in the supply chain Business Functions Merchandising the process of planning developing and presenting product lines for identified target markets with regard to pricing assorting styling and trimming Production the responsibility for making or manufacturing apparel products Finance operations area that keeps track of all the accounting activities of the firm Operations area of a firm that oversees the upkeep of equipment used by equipment used by employees building facilities and distribution activities required for securing materials an shipping finished products Marketing area of business that sets advertising and promotional objectives recommends sales goals creates advertising and promotional programs and tools sells products and gathers data relative to target customers Sourcing the process of procuring materials and production Consumer Markets Demographics statistics about a given population with respect to age gender martial status family size income spending habits occupation education religion ethnicity and region Psychographics the study of the social and psychosocial factors that constitute consumers lifestyles including reference groups life stage activates personality attitudes level of class consciousness and motivation Generational Data o Generational marketing The study of the values motivations and life experiences that drive generational cohorts influencing how they spend and save their money o Millennials or Generation Y Confident optimistic about the future globally oriented technically savvy and prefer social media o Baby Boomers Represent 23 percent of the population Health and wellness are priorities As they retire or near retirement their spending decreases Expect advertisements to be informative lifestyle oriented and feature models their age o Matures Their respect for institutions and their desire to conform translates into enduring BRAND LOYALTY Belief that financial security comes through savings has made them conservative spenders o Generation C describes a generation born into a very complex global community that are very connected to one another through creative communication They have been described as digital creatives who are always connected and place a high value on customization and co creation Lifestyle segments focus on the Combination Point of Sale DATA o Relies on the use of software scanners and universal product codes UPCs o Captures transactional data regarding style size and color of products o Tracks how purchases are paid for average price at which a product sells key selling seasons and returns o The information can be shared to facilitate better decision making and anticipate future needs o Electronic data interchange EDI the computer to computer exchange of information between business partners o Data integrity The accurate entry of receiving pricing transfer sales and return data o POS data facilitates analysis down to the individual stock keeping unit SKU by store and time period Color Forecasting Process release their forecasts 12 18 months prior to a Trend Forecasting season Color Associations o Color Marketing Group o ICA o CAUS Textile Consortiums o Wool Bureau o Cotton Inc o Manmade Fiber Producers Color Forecasters o D3 Doneger Design Directions o Huepoint o The Color Box Design Principles Understand the importance of design principles and how they relate to product development Balance A sense of stability or equilibrium that is determined by dividing a silhouette vertically down the middle Emphasis Focal Point May be created through a convergence of lines a combination of colors or a detail Proportion The relationship of all parts to each other and to the body Horizontal lines divide a garment or ensemble into sections that may create equal or unequal proportions Harmony All design elements work together to produce a pleasing aesthetic appearance and to give a feeling of unity to the design Rhythm Can be achieved by strong silhouette lines the use of color line or shape the use of repetition radiation and gradation ELEMENTS OF FIT o Grain o Line o Ease o Balance o Set Line Development

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