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HUM3321 Final Study Guide Final Exam Thursday December 13th 3PM The films we have watched as they relate to the themes of the course and the readings of the course Movie The Blind Side Readings Anthology 18 The Linguistics of Color Blind Racism 19 The White Savior Film and Reviewers Reception Belton The 1960 s The Counterculture Strikes Back Movie Namesake Readings Anthology 20 Displaced Persons Symbols of South Asian Femininity and the Returned Gaze in U S Media Culture 21 From Orientalism Introduction Belton The Film School Generation Movie Moneyball Readings Anthology 22 The Destructive Power of Money 23 The Perversion of Human Needs 24 We Make Weekends Leisure and the Commodity Form 25 The Sociology of Sport Structural Marxist and Cultural Marist Approaches Movie The Seven Year Itch Readings Anthology 26 Gender as a Social Structure Belton The Star System Movie Kinsey 27 The Creature from the Black Lagoon Marilyn Monroe Whiteness Readings Anthology 28 Problems Encountered in Writing the History of Sexuality 29 Gays and Queers From the Centering to the Decentering of Homosexuality in American Films Belton Hollywood and the Cold War Movie Bobby Readings Anthology 30 A Revolution of Values 31 National Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism What the post midterm articles said about race ethnicity class gender sexuality and nationality Race In the article Color Blind Racism Color blind racism is refered to as the central racial ideology of the post civil rights era and is characterized by slipperiness apparent nonracialism and ambivalence Says that there are five components 1 whites avoidance of direct racial language 2 semantic moves used by whites to safely express their racial views 3 role of projection 4 role of diminutives and 5 how incursions into forbidden issues produce almost total incoherence among many whites Ethnicity In the article Displaced Persons The media s showcasing of nose rings mehndi an old aged body adornment from India Africa and the Middle East and bindis in US fashion is a mordern appropriation taking of someone s as their own of the south asians symbols in our western pop culture In the article Orientalism Orientalism is known as the difference between the east and west in which the Europeans in the west claimed to be the more superior race who were civilized in comparison to the uncivilized Islamic Arabic and Muslim cultures of the east Class the division of people in a society into groups according to their social status Gender the socially constructed roles behaviors activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women Nationality status of belonging to a particular nation The historical representation of race and sexuality as described in the documentaries The Celluloid Closet Ethnic Notions remember that these are available to stream if you missed those days or need a refresher The history of Hollywood as described in Belton chapters 5 13 15 and 16 The impact of the following on Hollywood also as described in the above mentioned chapters in Belton The Hays Production Code and its aftermath o A set of rules governing American filmmaking that shaped American cinema for over three decades Government run censorship program o Set of industry moral censorship guidelines that governed the production of most US films released by major studios Hollywood worked within confines until 1950 s Then the TV came out and people did not have to leave their house to watch a movie Increased competition from foreign films and productions cheating the system by implying or finding loopholes such as getting passed the 3 second kissing rule by pecking at each other By the late 1960s enforcement had become impossible and the Production Code was abandoned entirely The Cold War and the Red Scare o The cold war led to a united fear of communists the red scare The HUAC House Un Americans Comittee began investigating the film industry and found a group of 10 big names contempt of congress and all faced jail time This influenced Hollywood to create films showing dark side of communism The fear of the Hollywood 10 led all fllm industry workers to conform to HUAC s rules and demand The Civil Rights Movement o The Feminist Movement The Vietnam War How did the ty pical stereotypes of black people change from before slavery and after slavery Originally African Americans were portrayed as happy in their enslavement alleviating guilt for the white majority in America They were portrayed as happy go lucky yet dull minded men and women and every effort was made by the white majority to prove that they were an intrinsically inferior race in terms of intelligence aesthetic and culture After the push for emancipation they were instead shown as wild animals and that the chains of enslavement were all that had held back these rabid people Rather than being a peaceful and happy people they were now portrayed as dangerous and violent and that white people should fear them So where prior to emancipation the stereotypical blacks were happy and positive after they were freed there was a much stronger emphasis on their so called beastiality and wildness trying to scare the white majority into enslaving them again and forcing them to be civil Ethnic Notions Black Stereotypes Black Face Blackface makeup was either a layer of burnt cork on a layer of coca butter or black grease paint In the early years exaggerated red lips were painted around their mouths like those of today s circus clowns In later years the lips were usually painted white or unpainted Costumes were usually gaudy combinations of formal wear swallowtail coats striped trousers and top hats Brutal Black Buck Bucks constitute the brutal black man out to cause havoc Often the savage and violent character is also over sexed and eager to get more than his hands on white women This stereotype came about after the push for emancipation began in order to scare white supporters away from the movement o Thug Mammy A black nursemaid or nanny in charge of white children An emphasis was placed on trying to remove her sexual appeal since white people weren t supposed to like black people o Nanny maid Minstrel Shows A popular stage entertainment featuring songs dances and comedy usually performed by white actors in blackface Showed that even though whites were by and large fundamentally opposed to blacks developing any sort of culture they still enjoyed the products of their creativity Pickaninny A small

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