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WP2 Rough Draft TED Talk Transcript Template NAME For the rough draft you ll develop your full script and plan for your project A script writes out word for word what will be said during your recording It also accounts for the timing and visuals required for your video to help you and your group members edit and construct one another s videos after peer review Here is what each column should include Time after constructing your script read aloud and time how long that section will take to complete It is recommended that you break up each line in the script it small sections that you can read in a short span so that editing may be easier if you find you make a mistake later in the recording process This means that you will not have to go back a record a HUGE chunk of your video for something small This will also help you break up the video visually based on your storyboard Script This again is word for word what you ll say in your video Avoid bullet points in your spoken speech and save those for the visual elements of your recording A script should explain thoroughly while visuals should summarize what you ll say Visuals This column should have a brief description of what we will see on the screen during the speech you write in the script column You should also include the in text citations for both your information from sources used in the script as well as your visuals Any visuals you do not create yourself must be cited Time Script Visual and Audio Transitions In text citations 1 WP2 Rough Draft TED Talk Transcript Template NAME 2

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