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Nicholas Wong Mr Kaczorowski Ms Jeong RST 242 4 10 22 Week 5 Packback Discussion I agree with this statement that humans have and will continue to have negative impacts on the natural environment if society continues to progress in the fashion it has over the past two centuries I support my position more after reading this week s learning materials and watching the videos A big difference in the environment could even be made by just one person making a difference on something as small as recycling or carefully preserving water Human development is another reason I believe that the environment has not improved over the past two centuries Human development changed a lot over the past two centuries Several buildings are being made factories are being built and natural habitats are being torn down now Over the past two centuries these actions have caused some harmful changes to the environment The American landscape was not as beautiful as Americans perceived it had once been Its shores were covered with broken glass its highways littered with food wrappers and bottles Rothman 2000 Page 129 After reflecting on lessons from previous weeks I realize the settlers might have thought the landscapes meant a lot to them which surprised me from the quote above When choosing to settle it was not what the settlers thought would happen and is disappointing to see that it came to this point Air and water pollution was everywhere in the late sixties Leaded fuels chemicals wastes and other sources seemed to threaten everyone s quality of life Rothman 2000 Page 126 Comparing the past two centuries to now not much has changed which is why the above quote also shocked me Hopefully people figure out a method to protect instead of harm the environment within the next two centuries Response Post To Alyssa Obrien Hi Alyssa You made a very interesting and intriguing Discussion Post Regarding the environment continuing to be harmed by people I agree What strongly supports your argument was the Rothman quote you mentioned The quote by Rothman was very strong to support your argument The cost of producing toxins in the air and water is a side effect result of how technologies improve people s lives This showed the selfishness of people at times People always like and prefer things to be convenient easy and fast The Earth cannot recover quickly since people quickly take too much due to those reasons mentioned above To help society people utilize natural resources However this also gradually harms people due to the pollution Even though you have made a very strong argument I felt some of your points were a bit weak I thought you were a bit vague regarding the harmful effects on the environment for starters The Cuyahoga River Fire Love Canal and the toxicity of the chemical DDT were all topics taught in this week s learning materials You would have been able to prove how harmful people have been and how severe the damage caused was by being more specific Modern technology might be argued by some people to decrease people s negative impacts on nature What can affect the environment positively are the invention of accessible solar power electric cars LED lights and plastic recycling All the harm already done does not cancel out unfortunately People do not necessarily use eco friendly technologies since some are costly and not easily accessible Overall your post does a pretty good job of addressing the question you came up with Nicholas Wong

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UIUC RST 242 - Week 5 Packback Discussion

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