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Nicholas Wong Mr Kaczorowski Ms Jeong RST 242 4 6 22 AHS Distinguished Lecture Reflection The key points of Suzanne Simard s TED Talk on How trees talk to each other were that trees are able to interact between themselves Trees share nutrients and water and also utilize them for communication While sharing feelings regarding nature and the environment trees are united Some people claim that humans can comprehend and speak the trees language with some strategies Forest trees have adapted to live in united connections preserved by communication A detail that the speaker Ecologist Suzanne Simard mentioned is that trees have an advanced and interconnected social network managed underground The tallest trees are hub trees in the forests Via a photosynthesis process trees get more exposure to sunlight Underground fungi are essential to trees since they supply sugar for survival and a mass of threads named mycelium make up most of the fungi bodies Mycelium provides trees with nutrients and absorbs excess sugar Through mycelium trees are able to interact between themselves A question from the TED Talk that I would like to discuss further is if humans can learn to speak the trees language What I think is that this is possible since people can always keep attempting to comprehend the trees language It is quite easy to comprehend that trees are able to convey information to each other and people are able to comprehend these techniques Trees speak a language to each other that humans are able to listen to

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UIUC RST 242 - AHS Distinguished Lecture Reflection (Extra Credit Assignment)

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