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Nicholas Wong Mr Kaczorowski Ms Jeong RST 242 4 17 22 Week 6 Reflection Narrative The correlation between environmental action and gender equity is largely introduced in this week s lesson Since I thought the environment and gender were two different things I thought there wasn t any direct correlation between them prior to reading this week s learning materials However I now think there is a correlation between the environment and gender after learning this week s material which drastically changed my perspective Since how society treats women resembles similarities to how society utilizes environmental resources the belief that women are related to the environment is thought of by some ecofeminists As each gender should be equally treated it would be very wrong to say that men have a higher social status than women Since a huge part of people s daily essentials are formed by natural resources I think of the environment as a primary resource for people from the perception of a man I also believe people can acquire some resources from the environment Regardless of gender I think it is people s responsibility to preserve the environment even though people can acquire resources from nature For almost a month I volunteered at a park during my Junior year of high school Clearing up garbage was a pretty easy task to accomplish Regardless of gender it is everyone s responsibility to preserve the environment which led me to be motivated to accomplish this pretty easy volunteering work What I am trying to get at here is that natural resources should be reasonably utilized by people It is essential for my gender of a male to be responsible for the environment

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UIUC RST 242 - Week 6 Reflection Narrative

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