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Reflection Narrative Paper 3 Despite the fact that 70 of the Earth s surface is water we are facing a severe water shortage crisis Concerns over the abuse of natural resources have risen in lockstep with technological development Fluent water supply mechanisms have been put in place in modern civilization to cater to numerous water demanding objectives Right now I am most concerned about being faced with no water supply and I believe that it is the need of the hour to preserve water and aid the water cycle such that consumption levels do not surpass the production levels Water is probably the most essential natural resource It is used in almost every practice From aquariums to hydraulic presses Its diverse attributes make it unique and salient And now that a lot of under developed regions on the planet are facing water shortage it might as well be called an existential crisis Besides being used to earn people a living it also gives people life Another aspect that needs attention is the deteriorating quality of water bodies Many industries use different rivers and oceans as means to dispose off their toxic wastes In spite of the governments around the world putting strict restrictions on waste disposal such arbitrary actions are still in practice If someday the Earth runs out of fresh water then there are mechanisms through which water can be produced chemically but it is an expensive ordeal This will restrict drinking water to the financially fortunate class only and hence will lead to a huge dip in the population count in the coming years

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UIUC RST 242 - Reflection Narrative Paper week 3

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