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Reflection Narrative Essay Coming from India from a strong hindu family I have been exposed to many subcultures and religious practices In India nature plays a very strong role in religious and cultural practices In the past houses in India used to be built around a tree and have an open courtyard in the center This was seen as good luck and prosperity Not only this but also the hindu gods have a very strong connection with nature Our gods like Hanuman and Ganesha are forms of different animals Lord Ganesha is half elephant and half human while Lord Hanuman is a monkey Also certain animals have sacred importance The cow and the goat are important aspects of hindu culture and because of that it is against the religious texts to eat such meat We also have certain trees that are auspicious to us The peepal tree is of importance In our culture we tie a red string around it and ask for wishes This is seen as a sign of good luck and blessings Along with this there is the Tulsi plant which is also of religious importance in the Indian community and holds a lot of value Coming to the US has exposed me to different subcultures and their practices with nature I can see the difference in the cultures sitting in any one of my classes that exposes me to so many new people All cultures have different interactions with nature Most Americans eat beef which is very unusual for me as it is banned in my country These cultural differences are clearly visible

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UIUC RST 242 - Week 7 Reflection Narrative Essay

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